Certification of trademark means a mark adapted in relation to any goods to distinguish, in the course of trade, goods certified by any person in respect of origin, material, mode of manufacture, quality, accuracy or other characteristic, from goods not so certified and registrable as such under the provisions in respect of these goods in the name, as proprietor of certification trademark, of that person.
Trademark attorney India professionals offer different types of service ranging from selecting trademark.The services of trademark attorney in the country are vital in the domains of economy. Attorney is the correct person to assist in selecting trademark for business.He ensures that the selected trademark has better chances to get approved by concerned authorities.He would file trademark application, providing valuable tips and suggestions, in regards to the intellectual property.Two ways are present for the individual to become trademark attorney in India. One is by being eligible through professional qualification for practicing before Trade Mark Registry or to pass qualifying examination that is conducted to become a practicing attorney.If you have to need patent you have to go depenning & depenning.
Getting your Trademark registered will grant you a License to use the Brand Name and will also help you stop anyone else from using it anywhere in India.
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