Whole urine sample Isolation of total RNA 60 l RNA Synthesis of cDNA [10 l RNA + 10 l cDNA mix] x 2 2 x 20 l cDNA pooled LC PCR : 5 l cDNA + 15 l PCR ...
A new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in 2019 was identified as the cause of the first outbreak of pneumonia found in Wuhan, China. Research on the spread, severity, and other functions of the virus is ongoing. Since no vaccines or therapeutic antibodies currently can prevent the infection, targeting specific inhibitors against key proteases involved in virus replication and proliferation is the most effective way to alleviate the epidemic. Based on thousands of clinical drug libraries, scientists have identified three small-molecule drugs with high binding potential to the coronavirus main protease through high-throughput screening, which can be used as candidate drugs for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Discovery and development of antiviral medications are paramount for defense against new pathogens and old ones to evade current therapeutic agents. With the ongoing outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 (novel coronavirus), scientists have spent considerable efforts and dedication to helping identify antiviral products that could potentially cure, or eradicate this infectious virus. As a leader in drug discovery, Creative Biolabs is also driven to provide antiviral drug discovery services to help screen and identify effective antiviral drugs.
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... Nomogram Biomarkers used to supplement not replace clinical data to improve accuracy of prognosis Kattan nomogram + biomarker panel: TGF- 1, IL-6R, IL-6, ...
Isolation of the prostate and prostate cancer secreted vesicles is a novel ... Department of Urology. Erasmus MC. Rotterdam. Exosomes as biomarker treasure chests' ...
This area of research is germane to several areas of biological research. Cytogenetics has been fundamental to understanding the evolutionary history of a ...
RP from PCPT are insignificant ... BRACHYTHERAPY, OR EXTERNAL BEAM RADIATION THERAPY? ... prostatectomy, brachytherapy, or external beam radiation therapy. ...