A new class of services & applications is emerging that spread over a sizable ... RON, Detour... Akamai, Digital Island, .... Service Composition Frameworks ...
The Florida A&M University Software TestLab. Role and Opportunities. Dr. Edward L. Jones ... Testing an integral part of curriculum. Multiple test experiences ...
Generally, regression testing is performed in order to assure that current functionality operates appropriately, and all code modifications did not break the work of other systems. (by QATestLab)
Those, who are involved in web site testing, desktop testing and mobile application testing, know that these activities assume writing many different reports besides error reports.
There is a set of tools for the qualitative execution of automated testing of different web products. Selenium is one of such product series. Now it will be discussed one of its components, namely Selenium. (by QATestLab)
Performing automated testing, the specialists may use various tools. This may be a set of Selenium or QTP tools (Quick Test Professional). (by QATestLab)
http://qatestlab.com/ Nowadays software products are complex. Software development, including functional testing, usability testing, performance testing, security testing and other testing activities, is time and labor consuming.
Proper reporting of discovered software bugs is a necessary skill for every test engineer. It considerably influences quality of web site testing, desktop testing or mobile application testing.
http://qatestlab.com/ The testing process consists of 4P (plane, prepare, perform and perfect). There are different phases of testing performed by different teams for a single project.
The RAD (Rapid Application Development) development model is one of the types of incremental model. The principle of parallel creation of the system components and functions underlies this model. (by QATestLab)
Specialists in web site testing, desktop testing and mobile application testing know that every type of software products has its specific functional characteristics.
http://qatestlab.com/ It is known that a lot of work is executed manually in mobile testing, desktop testing and web site testing. Automation is applicable only to some tests.
http://qatestlab.com/ Software products have been evolving for several decades. We have every reason to believe that information technology is one the most rapidly developing fields.
http://qatestlab.com/ Modern software products are sophisticated; they are smart and user-friendly, perform different functions, support various media effects. Some of their functions are of great importance, some are supplementary.
http://qatestlab.com/ Before going to an interview to a software testing company, you should know your interests. One should know what he or she likes not only before choosing testing as a career, but before choosing any other career path too.
http://qatestlab.com/ Any software development process is complex; it takes considerable time and efforts, many different experts participate in it. Nowadays mobile testing, desktop testing or web site testing is an integral part of a software development life cycle.
http://qatestlab.com/ Notifications are created in order to inform a user about some events. They may be generated by software products that operate in the background or are not used at present.
http://qatestlab.com/ Application quality criteria are significant element of a test plan. Software quality is rather abstract notion. That is why one should determine when the elaborated software product is good enough for production.
http://qatestlab.com/ It appears that negative testing is sometimes ignored. Some managers decide to execute negative tests at the late phases of the development process, before acceptance testing.
http://qatestlab.com/ Any changes in the requirements must be implemented properly and carefully documented. Keep in mind that altering requirements will have a great impact upon designing, code writing and web site testing, desktop testing, mobile testing.
http://qatestlab.com/ Integration testing may be related to security testing, usually performed by a software testing company. Inside of every system (and software is not an exception), there are those parts where the components come together. In case of any software, code junction usually is a place where numerous bugs occur.
http://qatestlab.com/ There are no doubts that functional testing is one of the main parts of any web site testing, desktop testing or mobile application testing. In order to execute it thoroughly it is wise to go beyond mere checking if actual functionality of the tested software complies with the declared in the specification.
http://qatestlab.com/ Exploratory testing is an underestimated testing type. Some managers do not find it necessary to conduct it in course of web site testing, desktop testing and mobile application testing.
http://qatestlab.com/ So you’ve decided to occupy yourself with mobile application testing, desktop testing or web site testing. Take a minute to think whether you are really interested in it.
http://qatestlab.com/ There are a lot of articles about how to create a reputation as a professional tester. But success will come only if you will work hard on building a portfolio and profile. You can have the career you want by establishing your reputation systematically.
http://qatestlab.com/ The common type of software testing is to begin running the software product and make monitoring, with the expectancies that it will be not difficult to differentiate between expected and unexpected conduction.
http://qatestlab.com/ Some errors found in course of web site testing, desktop testing and, in particular, mobile testing are hard to repeat. Finding explanation for an intermittent software bug and determining distinct steps to repeat it are quite difficult tasks.
http://qatestlab.com/ Why is metrics program an essential part of software testing? Software testing company always collect all measurements obtained during process of testing.
http://qatestlab.com/ People always try to simplify their work and automate as many activities as possible. This also refers to mobile testing, desktop testing and web site testing.
http://qatestlab.com/ It is important for a software testing company to make necessary preparations before elaborating testing strategy, what means to find out as much as possible about tested software prerequisites, and evaluate risks.
http://qatestlab.com/ Correctly set goals are a key to success of any activity. This rule works during mobile application testing, desktop testing and web site testing too.
http://qatestlab.com/ Nowadays software products are complex systems. Developing and testing of a modern application require considerable time and efforts.
http://qatestlab.com/ Any software testing company must adequately valuate the effectiveness of its work. It doesn’t matter what type of testing it provides (mobile application testing, web site testing, desktop application testing), it should carry about its results.
http://qatestlab.com/ It is known that mobile testing, desktop testing and web site testing should include localization testing if the software is available in several languages.
http://qatestlab.com/ A lot of factors influence efficiency of mobile testing, desktop testing and web site testing. One of them is appropriately selected tools.
http://qatestlab.com/ Software testing becomes more and more popular with every day. What can be the reason of it? More and more people in software business agree that testing is important, but in fact a lot of them don’t understand properly what testing is like and what nature it has.
http://qatestlab.com/ At present software products are utilized in all areas of activity and for entertainment. They serve as useful instruments for performing banking operations, assisting in healthcare, production of different goods and so on. More and more applications are developed for different purposes.
http://qatestlab.com/ Here and now the market of information technologies makes progress by leaps and bounds. Just imagine that only yesterday software testing was performed manually by system administrators. Of course, this method was very far from ideal.
http://qatestlab.com/ Performance is not the first thing user thinks of when starts to use software. But it becomes the first one when software response time is too long and the further proper work with application is simply impossible.
http://qatestlab.com/ Software defects found during mobile application testing, desktop testing or web site testing and reported by means of a defect-tracking instrument should be fixed.
http://qatestlab.com/ When performing web site testing, desktop testing or mobile application testing it is very important to understand end users mindset.
http://qatestlab.com/ Software development is a complex process consisting of many phases and types of activities and involving many experts in different fields.