Tephigrams ENVI1400 : Lecture 8 Tephigrams are thermodynamic diagrams one of a range of such diagrams developed to help in the visual analysis of atmospheric ...
A. B. C. D. E. F. Depth of the PBL=100hPa. RH@1000hPa=65 ... Tephigram V: Convective Instability. Tephigram V: Convective Instability. Stable -8C and -14C ...
The tephigram. Allows a radiosonde profile to be analysed for stability. Allows calculations involving moisture content (e.g. saturated adiabatic lapse ...
Backing winds indicate cold advection. Vertical Wind Shear. Thermal wind equation ... The Ekman Spiral is not an indication of baroclinicity or of warm advection. ...
Use of the Tephigram Path of air parcel on tephigram Normand s Theorem Early morning tephigram over land Mixing out of radiation inversion solar heating ...
Path of air parcel on tephigram. Parcel initially at: 30 C, ... Cumulus layer. Energy = area on tephigram. What happens if something pushes air parcel upwards? ...
... was officially adopted by the International Commission for the Exploration of ... These curves portray the temperature changes that occur upon a saturated air ...
The first thermodynamic diagrams presented to you were an a vs T diagram and an ... fundamental diagram used to illustrate some basics of atmospheric thermodynamics. ...
At the ground, a highly directional radio direction finding antenna is used to ... by tracking the radiosonde and determining the azimuth and elevation angles. ...
Clouds are a common atmospheric feature and cover large parts of the globe ... through iteration or with the aid of a linearisation of qs(T*) (see Excercises ! ...
They are used to keep track of how high in the atmosphere the air parcel is (P ... may be aided by frontal/boundary lift, low level jet or frontogenesis ...
AT THE PORTUGUESE WEATHER FORECASTING CENTRE. Teresa Abrantes ... Aeronautic. General and Maritime. 25th EWGLAM and 10th SRNWP Meeting - 6-9Oct2003 - Lisbon ...
Ideal as backend for web interfaces with static layout and visual properties but changing data ... Querying the properties of graphical objects displayed on screen ...
Introduction What can I do with Metview. 1 hour 15 min. Training course 3-5 March: ... Input element: Alphanumeric Field. Metview Icon Editor example. ECMWF ...
Parametrization of diabatic processes Moist convection Peter Bechtold and Christian Jakob Original ECMWF lecture has been adjusted to fit into today s schedule
Wet-bulb potential temperature. Equivalent potential temperature ... Dalton's law: P = Spi. Combine P and r to eliminate V: Since P = rRT* Unsaturated Moist Air ...
... of Water Vapor Content. Vapor pressure. Vapor density ... Decreasing ws while keeping w constant: decrease temperature, etc. ... water into air: w = ws(Tw,p) ...
Numerical Weather Prediction Parametrization of diabatic processes Convection I Peter Bechtold and Christian Jakob Convection Lectures: The nature of convection ...
Continental flights of Twin Otters. C-130 flights of NSF. Twin Otter flights of BAS ... Daily Taf voor Twin Otter skiway. Taf voor C-130 skiway when needed ...
Without delving into the kinetic theory of gases, we can make ... readily deduced by considering an isothermal cyclic engine in contact with a single reservoir, ...
Alan Geer, Peter Bauer, Philippe Lopez ... Clear sky SSM/I radiances are directly ... Impact is comparable to clear sky microwave imager assimilation. ...