The Villages of Highlands Ridge 36 Holes of Championship Golf is home to 635 families that live in beautiful homes with amazing views. There are 150 completely ready to build homesites available. All infrastructure is in place. This is a golf cart friendly community.
If you’re new to the world of small business, you may not know that you’re entitled to claim tax credits that can lower the amount of tax you pay to the government. As part of their annual tax filing procedure, many different sized businesses file for tax credits and tax deductions each year; continue reading to find out more:
For owners of businesses large and small, employing the services of a tax planner is often considered, and there are many good reasons for this. But first, let’s begin by looking at exactly what role a tax planner fulfils:
Did you know that there is now a new, simplified tax form for those who are already 65 or older; or for those who may turn 65 this year? Known as the 1040SR, it’s provided for in section 41106 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, or BBA, a two-year budget agreement passed by Congress and signed by the President in February of last year.
For new business owners or anyone entering the corporate world for the first time, corporate income tax can seem like a minefield. Let’s look at it in a little more detail:
Back at the beginning of November - as you’ll doubtless already know - the bill language was unveiled for the much discussed and long awaited, federal tax reform. One important provision highlighted in the bill, would lower the pass-through rate for business income to 25%, leaving the top individual tax rate at 39.6%,
For all companies, saving money on their taxes forms an essential part of their overall business strategy, but for small businesses, what they can save in taxes, could be the difference between success and failure.
Filing your taxes as a small business owner can be a daunting experience, and it’s not always easy to know who, or where to turn to for help and guidance. Many believe that the information published by the IRS is the definitive source of guidance for tax filing, but this may not be the case.
When it comes to planning your taxes as a business owner, it always pays to form a game plan for the approaching new tax year to help lessen the impact come April, and here are a few tips for doing exactly that:
As the deadline looms threateningly on the horizon, taxpayers up and down the country are in the middle of preparing their taxes. However, with the current pandemic showing no signs of retreating yet, and a huge percentage of the population either in isolation or preparing to go into quarantine, many are concerned about how they will get their taxes done in time, if at all.
Accounting strategies that can help reduce a tax burden are welcomed by all small business owners, and while the following tips are all viable, you’d be wise to discuss them in detail with your tax advisor, as naturally, each business has its own unique requirements:
As discussed in part one of this piece, there is a vast and confusingly diverse array of tax deductions that small businesses may be entitled to, and discovering the ones that you might be able to take advantage of, can be extremely time consuming and confusing.
There is a mindboggling array of tax deductions that small businesses may be entitled to and whittling down the ones that might apply to you and your business, can be tricky.
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Reducing your tax liability as a small business owner, is doubtless a priority for you, and understandably so. Thankfully, there are a few tax strategies that you can discuss with your tax advisor to minimize your tax liability now, and for the coming year:
There are several reasons why, as a business owner or an individual, you may be required to file more than one state tax return, and it’s important that you understand when it’s required, and how you should go about doing it.
If you’re a dental professional, then you doubtless pay out a lot in taxes every year, and you may be asking yourself if there are any legitimate ways to save on the cost of this. Fortunately, there are several strategies that you can adopt to save money on your taxes legally, and here are the top tax tips:
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Tax savings are on all our minds, whatever type of business we’re involved in, and making them is made more achievable with some advanced planning, a lot of expertise and some specialized, up to date knowledge. However, the average business owner doesn’t have those attributes, so it makes sense to work with someone who does; an EA, or enrolled agent.
During an economic fallout such as that currently being experienced by businesses all around the world, robust back-office services have never been so important. With the decline in numbers your business may be seeing, you need to see your finances clearly, and from every possible angle. Thankfully, outsourced accounting services exist to help you achieve exactly that, and when trying to leverage your business to its maximum during troubling times, their experienced teams of accounting professionals are there to guide you through, and keep your finances on track.
While there is little doubt that taxes are stressful for all small business owners, by incorporating tax planning into your business strategy, you can not only better manage your taxes, but devise a way of more efficiently processing them to alleviate some, or all of the stress associated with tax time.
When filing your taxes as a resident or nonresident alien of the U.S. you’ll find that there are some differences between how you are required to fulfill the rules, and how a citizen of the U.S. is. There may in fact, be some income tax exemptions for certain individuals who are not U.S. citizens, depending on their circumstances. Let’s take a closer look at the definition and tax treatment of such individuals:
There are a variety of ways in which tax professionals set their prices for preparing their clients taxes, and no two will charge the same amount. However, one general rule of thumb is that the more complex the financial situation, the higher the price will be.
Some of you may already have received your tax refund, but for those who are still waiting for a check or a deposit into their bank account, you might be feeling understandably anxious. Could delays signify a problem with your return, or has the system simply been overwhelmed?
Your chosen tax preparer is of course being paid to help you with your taxes, but it’s in the interests of both parties to try and make the process as simple as possible. You are doubtless paying your preparer by the hour, so the easier their job is, the less time it’ll take them, and if your tax preparer is getting bogged down trawling through your receipts or income documents, they may simply make themselves unavailable to you when the next season comes around.
While fears about Covid-19 seem set to take over our lives – and understandably so – it’s important that amid the confusion and disruption, we don’t neglect our taxes. While the tax filing deadline has been extended to help those Americans affected by the virus, it still makes good sense to get moving on your 2019 tax return, especially if you think you’re due to receive a refund.
Tax filing for business owners is rarely a simple or speedy process, and with things set to get even more complicated this year, choosing to seek professional help from a tax expert, could be a very wise decision, and here’s why:
We all know that the overall goal of planning our taxes, is to pay the minimum amount that we are legally required to, but if you’re a business owner, be warned that any actions you take to reduce your taxes, will have effect upon the book value of your assets. It’s important that you think long and hard about what might be best for your business in the long term, instead of simply focusing upon reducing your taxes each year.
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The role of an Enrolled Agent can be confusing to many, and as a result, some small business owners may not fully understand how an EA can help with their taxes and hence are unsure as to whether they would benefit from their services.
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There are many myths surrounding the outsourcing of such vital business services as bookkeeping, and here are just a few of the ones that are simply not true:
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If you’re the owner of a start-up, you might think it more sensible to try and reduce your costs as much as possible, by managing your bookkeeping, taxes and accounting tasks yourself. However, while this might work on a temporary basis – and only then if you have some expert knowledge in this area – as your start-up finds its feet and begins to grow, this solution is rarely workable.
Payroll is vital for the smooth running of any business, and is about so much more than calculating employee salaries – although that alone can be a daunting task depending on the size of your company. As such, many businesses seek help to make sure they get payroll right, and remain within the confines of the various tax and employee laws.
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Most small businesses benefit from the services of a bookkeeper, and its widely acknowledged that most company owners prefer not to spend valuable time keeping their own books, and for a variety of reasons. However, finding, hiring and keeping the right bookkeeper for you and your business is not always easy, even though it’s almost always worth it in the long run.
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If you’re in the process of starting up your own business and are ready to take on employees, here are a few of the most basic payroll pointers to get you started. For more detailed information, you should seek advice from a professional company offering specialized payroll services.
The government have of course made many changes to tax laws over the years, and with the current reforms, it can be difficult to stay on top of all the alterations, adjustments and revised regulations. When it comes to retirement, the changes to contribution limits can be hard to stay abreast of, but it’s essentially good news for retirement savers in 2019. Changes to individual retirement accounts such as 401(k) plans, traditional IRA’s and even ROTH IRA, are all part of the annual inflation adjustments recently made by the IRS. Lower tax bills naturally come as a result of larger retirement contributions and can also mean more income in retirement:
Mistakes made during the processing of payroll can be some of the costliest for a company, and when a business struggles to perform its own payroll duties due to lack of training, knowledge or experience, mistakes will almost certainly occur, some of which can result in a loss of finances, not to mention, credibility. One way straightforward and cost-effective solution to this is to outsource payroll to a professional company who will deal with everything efficiently and ensure that payroll is conducted within the confines of tax laws and other IRS requirements.
In days of old, payroll involved a whole lot of manual calculations on ledgers and employees were all paid in cash. Gradually, as time progressed, pay checks were introduced and workers often waited up to a month to receive their pay. Then, when federal withholding taxes made their merry way into the equation, things got a whole lot more complicated.
While the process itself may seem easy – you’ve just hired your first employee and you need to pay them – if you’re new to business and payroll, you may find that it’s not clear exactly what you should be doing and how to go about it. There may be many words and phrases that you’re not familiar with, such as ‘pay periods’, ‘unemployment tax’ and ‘Form 941’ to name but a few.
One of a bookkeeper’s many roles is to help organize a business’s finances, and they do this by managing and recording financial statements, tax receipts, payroll and cash flow. If you’re a business owner, seasoned or new, and you don’t already have a bookkeeper, you’re probably struggling to know exactly where your finances stand, or where the funds are going. With no background in finance, most business owners without a bookkeeper, have no option but to try and manage their money themselves, which can have disastrous and costly consequences.
The Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement or QSEHRA, is a new and increasingly popular health insurance option created back in December of 2016. In much the same way as HRA’s, the QSEHRA enables business with fewer than 50 employees to offer their workers a monthly allowance of tax-free money. The employees then opt and pay for health care – which can include personal insurance policies – and the employer reimburses them up to their allowance amount. In this way, businesses can better control their budget, while still giving their workers a meaningful benefit.
Naturally, as an employer it’s your responsibility to ensure that your employees are paid accurately and in a timely manner, irrespective of how many workers you have. You must be aware of all laws pertaining to payroll and stay up to date with the myriad changes to these laws that can occur throughout the year. You also need to understand payroll taxes and be sure to file accurately and on time to avoid costly penalties. For most employers, payroll can be a minefield and the sensible solution would seem to be that of hiring a payroll professional to help you get it right.