www.kiranivfgenetic.com Dr. Samit Sekhar :Babies grows up happy and healthy. Single men and women, gay men and women can also have a baby through surrogacy.
Kiran Infertility Centre is the destination for surrogacy abroad couple where as it is offering affordable surrogacy in India. Other than surrogacy the clinic offers IVF, ICSI, IUI, Embryo transfer and egg freezing.
Now in India, surrogacy was permitted without gender-bias and marital status-bias for many years.Single parent surrogacy was banned in 2012. Also, a condition was put for married heterosexual couples. They should have completed two years of married life in order to be eligible for surrogacy. for more information: Dr.Samit Sekhar www.kiranivfgenetic.com Email:info@kiranivfgenetic.com Cell : +91-994-817-5768.
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Email: info@kiranivfgenetic.com phone no: +91-994-817-5768 Dr.Samit sekhar:We here at KIC through our international I.V.F. and Surrogacy Program try to provide you a Single Window Solution for all your queries in your journey to Parenthood.
Surrogacy is when another woman carries and gives birth to a baby for the couple who want to have a child. • Absence or malformation of the womb • Recurrent pregnancy loss • Repeated in vitro fertilization (IVF) implantation failures. At KIC we perform only gestational Surrogacy. Kiran Infertility Center or KIC is a reputed clinic in India with sound reputation of having affordable surrogacy and IVF programs. The amazing success rates of its surrogacy and IVF programs is attracting people the world over as the preferred destination for IVF and surrogacy services.
Kiran infertility centre is the best destination for Surrogacy and fertility treatments and advanced fertility centre in hyderabad. KIC is started to help Infertile couples from the whole of South India We offer high quality fertility treatment at the most affordable pricing. KIRAN INFERTILITY CENTRE PVT LTD DR.SAMIT SEKHAR MAIL ID:-info@kiranivfgenetic.com 91 95 3340 4400
In-vitro fertilization is an infertility treatment which is commonly attainment popularity as a considerably safe procedure with high success rates. A large number of couples belonging to varied age groups are increasingly visiting IVF clinics in order to get pregnant.
Kiran Infertility Centre is the best IVF and surrogacy clinic in India. Many infertile couple were helped by our clinic through our ivf and surrogacy program. We worked with many international patients from the countries around the world. Here we are presenting the statistics up to 2014 have a look at the presentation.
We offer a guaranteed pregnancy and live birth package with egg donation and surrogacy. Surrogacy in Nepal is viable alternative for those intended parents who are unable to access surrogacy in India due to the regulations in India. Babies grows up happy and healthy for more information contact: Dr.Samit Sekhar www.surrogacycenternepal.com
Kiran infertility centre is the best destination for Surrogacy and fertility treatments and advanced fertility centre in hyderabad. KIC is started to help Infertile couples from the whole of South India We offer high quality fertility treatment at the most affordable pricing. KIRAN INFERTILITY CENTRE PVT LTD DR.SAMIT SEKHAR MAIL ID:-info@kiranivfgenetic.com 91 95 3340 4400
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Dr.Samit Sekhar : Kiran Infertility Centre raised best among the surrogacy clinics in 2014. There are number of births and registrations for the prospective parents. Thank you for all for making this year 2014 as unforgettable. Happy New Year.
Setting goals will help you to improve your fertility by allowing you to take control of your situation. Together, we can plan an individualized protocol in which we can make the essential alterations to boost your chances of a healthy. for more information: Dr.Samit Sekhar www.surrogacycenternepal.com
We present our son Gael José Gamaza San Sebastián, was born today at 15:57 Indian time (7:27 hour Argentina), weighed 3,030 kgs. and is very healthy. San Sebastian Ale in your birthday received the best gift you gave us life.
Kiran infertility centre is the best destination for Surrogacy and fertility treatments and advanced fertility centre in hyderabad. KIC is started to help Infertile couples from the whole of South India We offer high quality fertility treatment at the most affordable pricing. KIRAN INFERTILITY CENTRE PVT LTD DR.SAMIT SEKHAR MAIL ID:-info@kiranivfgenetic.com 91 95 3340 4400
Surrogacy in simple terms can be defined as an Assisted Reproductive Technique (ART) through which a woman carries pregnancy for another person or couple (intending parents or commissioning parents) and such woman is known as surrogate mother. for more information: Dr.Samit Sekhar www.kiranivfgenetic.com Email:info@kiranivfgenetic.com Cell : +91-994-817-5768.
Surrogacy is a legal and successful alternative for the couples who are not able to create a family their own. A great surrogacy experience depends on trust, understanding, good communication and respect for all the couples that can be involved. KIRAN INFERTILITY CENTRE PVT LTD DR.SAMIT SEKHAR MAIL ID:-info@kiranivfgenetic.com 91 95 3340 4400
KIC Located in Hyderabad one of the epicenter’s of Indian Economy we provide you an access to everything that is required to make your Journey to Parenthood a great success. Dr.Samit sekhar ph no:+919533404400 Any Queries:info@kiranivfgenetic.com
We present our son Gael José Gamaza San Sebastián, was born today at 15:57 Indian time (7:27 hour Argentina), weighed 3,030 kgs. and is very healthy. San Sebastian Ale in your birthday received the best gift you gave us life.
Kiran infertility centre is the best destination for Surrogacy and fertility treatments and advanced fertility centre in hyderabad. KIC is started to help Infertile couples from the whole of South India We offer high quality fertility treatment at the most affordable pricing.
Kiran infertility centre is the best destination for Surrogacy and fertility treatments and advanced fertility centre in hyderabad. KIC is started to help Infertile couples from the whole of South India We offer high quality fertility treatment at the most affordable pricing. KIRAN INFERTILITY CENTRE PVT LTD DR.SAMIT SEKHAR MAIL ID:-info@kiranivfgenetic.com 91 95 3340 4400
Kiran fertility centre (KIC) is the best destination for Surrogacy and fertility treatments and advanced fertility centre in Hyderabad .KIC is started to help Infertile couples from the whole of SOUTH India We offer high quality fertility treatment at the most affordable pricing. KIRAN INFERTILITY CENTRE PVT LTD DR.SAMIT SEKHAR MAIL ID:-info@kiranivfgenetic.com 91 95 3340 4400
Kiran infertility centre is the best destination for Surrogacy and fertility treatments and advanced fertility centre in hyderabad. KIC is started to help Infertile couples from the whole of South India We offer high quality fertility treatment at the most affordable pricing. KIRAN INFERTILITY CENTRE PVT LTD DR.SAMIT SEKHAR MAIL ID:-info@kiranivfgenetic.com 91 95 3340 4400
Kiran infertility centre is the best destination for Surrogacy and fertility treatments and advanced fertility centre in hyderabad. KIC is started to help Infertile couples from the whole of South India We offer high quality fertility treatment at the most affordable pricing. KIRAN INFERTILITY CENTRE PVT LTD DR.SAMIT SEKHAR MAIL ID:-info@kiranivfgenetic.com 91 95 3340 4400
Surrogacy abroad is a choice for those who want the surrogacy process at affordable price.But building a family from a country like India will the best option for the infertile couple. As India is emerging country for Medical tourism for the lowest expenses and high quality treatments. for more information: Dr.Samit Sekhar www.kiranivfgenetic.com Email:info@kiranivfgenetic.com Cell : +91-994-817-5768.
Easy availability of young, fit women willing to be surrogates Availability of high-profile medical practitioners and technologically advanced hospitals with some of the highest pregnancy and live birth rates in the world. Less complicated legal framework Excellent Obstetric and pediatrics care Low overall cost
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Dr.Samit Sekhar : Kate and Glen Lopez from Canada had their first baby Zoe with the help of our surrogacy program three years ago. Now they have their second baby on 6th January 2015.
Surrogacy in India: Surrogacy Centre in India is a form of assisted reproduction technology and follows when a woman carries a child through a pregnancy for others. KIRAN INFERTILITY CENTRE PVT LTD DR.SAMIT SEKHAR MAIL ID:-info@kiranivfgenetic.com 91 95 3340 4400
Kiran Infertility Centre raised best among the surrogacy clinics in 2014. There are number of births and registrations for the prospective parents. KIC's ivf and surrogacy statics upto 2014 are shown here
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Dr. Samit Sekhar : Surrogacy in India is an emerging treatment in the Medical Tourism Sector because of the price and services offered by the Surrogacy Clinics. The couple who are looking for the surrogacy abroad can opt for the Affordable surrogacy in India.
Surrogacy: Parenthood is a natural life changing and eternally rewarding experience. The science of infertility treatment has leaped forward. Some forms of infertility which was not treatable in the past have a simple way out today- Surrogacy is a boon that can help many childless couples and can also help individuals who are not able to deliver a baby. KIRAN INFERTILITY CENTRE PVT LTD DR.SAMIT SEKHAR MAIL ID:-info@kiranivfgenetic.com 91 95 3340 4400
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Dr.Samit Sekhar : In the recent days Kerala High court observed that there should not be any difference for granting maternity leave for a mother even the child born through surrogacy to other woman. The court also observed that surrogacy is not illegal in India even in the absence of statutory framework.
Easy availability of young, fit women willing to be surrogates Availability of high-profile medical practitioners and technologically advanced hospitals with some of the highest pregnancy and live birth rates in the world. Less complicated legal framework Excellent Obstetric and pediatrics care Low overall cost
About Kiran Infertility Center: Guaranteed pregnancy and live birth package is an option which is feasible and beneficial for the couple as well as for us.
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Dr.Samit Sekhar : As two gay men opted for surrogacy in California and have a baby boy through a surrogate mother. The two men were registered as the legal parents of the child in the United States, but when they return home the German authorities not recognized the child as their own baby. Even though the two men and the baby living in Berlin for the last three and half years.
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Dr.Samit Sekhar : The price is almost 5 times less than the cost of surrogacy in US and the success rate of surrogacy in India is also high. Surrogacy is a process in which a woman carries other’s baby in her womb without genetically related to the child.
According to Dr. Samit Sekhar, “our Team from KIC are in San Francisco and Chicago from September 26th to October 2nd to meet prospective intended parents to provide more information about Kiran Infertility Centre’s Surrogacy and EGG donation program USA and to broaden our spread across the Country.
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Dr.Samit Sekhar : Surrogacy also one of the best opted treatment in the medical tourism segment. The entire cost for surrogacy in India is considerably 5 times to the cost in United States and other western countries and the success rate is also high.
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Dr.Samit Sekhar : It’s been a great start to the new year at Kiran Infertility Centre. we are very happy for Mrs and Mr. Rao from USA, Mrs and Mr. Caron from Canada and Mrs and Mr. Lopez also Canada on the birth of their Children with the help of the Kiran Infertility Center ivf and Surrogacy program. We wish them well.
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Dr. Samit Sekhar : We can’t measure the happiness of the parents when the child is growing. Here is a small message from one of our patients from Spain explaining their love towards the baby and Kiran Infertility Centre.
At KIC, our team of Experts, Physicians, Medical and Non- Medical Staff are dedicated to provide the most advanced, comprehensive and customized Infertility Treatments and Protocols for our Patients. With our belief in the principles of Karma, Passion for Excellence, Continuous learning and a firm Commitment towards all the Stake Holders and the Community at large, our ultimate goal here is to give each Intended Parent the greatest chance of success to achieve their dream of becoming Parents. With Pregnancy Success Rates consistently among the best in world, we firmly believe that our results reflect the dedication and expertise of our facility.
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Dr. Samit Sekhar : Our Friends from London sent us this amazing gift. It’s a lovely homemade calendar for 2015. So thank you to Gary and Tracy Bolsover. It has pictures of beautiful little Heaven Mia who was born through our Surrogacy program and spent the first six months
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Dr.Samit Sekhar : For obtaining surrogacy in India for foreigners, the couple has to apply for Medical visa. The couple is been married for more than 2 years. The respective country of the couple need to recognize surrogacy and provide the baby with citizenship of the corresponding country.
Kiran infertility centre is the best destination for Surrogacy and fertility treatments and advanced fertility centre in hyderabad. KIC is started to help Infertile couples from the whole of South India We offer high quality fertility treatment at the most affordable pricing. KIRAN INFERTILITY CENTRE PVT LTD DR.SAMIT SEKHAR MAIL ID:-info@kiranivfgenetic.com 91 95 3340 4400
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Dr. Samit Sekhar : KIC is a popular place for surrogacy services in India. IVF surrogacy program was well recognized and trusted across the globe. KIC keeps in touch with infertility centers world-over.
Surrogacy is turning out to be a boon for those couples or parents who would like to have their own children. Surrogate mothers are in great demand as they are the persons who are fulfilling the dreams of couples for extending their families through children. Dr.Samit Sekhar www.surrogacycenternepal.com
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Dr. Samit sekhar : KIC providing surrogacy services for low cost in India and abroad. The supreme court of India had decided surrogacy as legal.
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Email: info@kiranivfgenetic.com phone no: +91-994-817-5768 Dr.Samit sekhar:We here at KIC through our international I.V.F. and Surrogacy Program try to provide you a Single Window Solution for all your queries in your journey to Parenthood.
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Email:info@kiranivfgenetic.com Cell : +91-994-817-5768 Dr.Samit Sekhar : With a Goal ‘To realize Everyone’s Dream of having their own Baby’ and with belief in principles of Karma, our passion for Excellence, Continuous Learning, and a firm commitment towards all the Stake Holders and the Community at large, Here at KIC we continuously work to give the best result with personalized care to each Intended Parent that approaches us.
A Couple explaining about surrogacy treatment experience which they have been treated at Kiran infertility centre. After several years of failures to have their own baby, they approached KIC and have their own baby with all the legal formalities to take the child Home
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Email: info@kiranivfgenetic.com phone no: +91-994-817-5768 Dr.Samit sekhar:We here at KIC through our international I.V.F. and Surrogacy Program try to provide you a Single Window Solution for all your queries in your journey to Parenthood.
Surrogacy in India costs about 1/4th of the cost that one should spend in United States of America. KiC offers guaranteed surrogacy program in India at an affordable price.
www.kiranivfgenetic.com Email: info@kiranivfgenetic.com phone no: +91-994-817-5768 Dr.Samit sekhar:We here at KIC through our international I.V.F. and Surrogacy Program try to provide you a Single Window Solution for all your queries in your journey to Parenthood.