Narayan Nagbali is a 3-day Hindu ritual conducted near Nasik at Trimbakeshwar Jyotirlinga. To meet the unsatisfied wishes of dead ancestral souls, the Narayan Bali is performed and the Nag Bali is performed to get rid of the curse created by killing a cobra. The priest uses an artificial body of wheat flour during this pooja and chants mantras. The bad omen or souls with those unfulfilled desires will be invoked by these mantras.
Narayan Nagbali Pooja solves issues such as financial difficulties, family health issues, a rough patch in business, marital issues, and educational challenges. This pooja is performed to remove the curse imposed on the wife, father, mother, brother, corpse, and even a small churn-staff. (Patnishap, Pitrushap, Matrushap, Bhatrushap, Pratashap, and Matulshap ) This pooja is performed by a married couple for three days in order to live a happier and more peaceful life. This ritual satisfies the ancestors' souls' wishes while also removing harmful consequences. The soul seeks to make overt or indirect contact with family members, and the ritual helps to provide peace to the soul.
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Narayan Nagbali is performed to fulfill the unsatisfied wishes of the souls of the ancestors who are imprisoned in this universe. These unhappy ancestors create problems in the family, creating problems for their descendants. Narayan Bali Pooja consists of prayers and sacrifices to Lord Vishnu in order to appease Lord Narayan for the deaths of ancestors that were not natural. This specific ritual should only be performed at Trimbakeshwar temple.
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Title: Slide 1 Author: Brian Holgate Last modified by: Glorfindel Created Date: 8/11/2005 4:23:54 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
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