Presented By Ashok.J 3 rd BCA - AVVM Sri Pushpam College, Poondi , Tanjor Slide 2: GRID COMPUTING Conceptual View Of Grid Computing ?What Is Grid Computing?: What Is Grid Computing? Grid computing is the collection of computer resources from multiple locations to reach a common goal. GRID COMPUTING Slide 4: How Grid Computing Works? GRID COMPUTING Slide 5: Types Of Grid Data Grid Collaboration Grid Network Grid Utility Grid GRID COMPUTING Computational GridSlide 6: Grid topologiesSlide 7: Intra grids A Typical intra grid topology exist within S ingle Organization, providing a basic set of grid Services Slide 8: Extra grids An Extra grid, Typically involves more than one security provider , and the level Management complexity increases Slide 16: Presented By Ashok.J
Shaowen Wang1, 2, Yan Liu1, 2, Nancy Wilkins-Diehr3, Stuart Martin4,5 ... Development environment setup. Manual for SimpleGrid setup in Eclipse. 11 ...