Rules for Mapping an Object Model to a Relational Database 1 ... picture-bitmap. SEG4110 - Topic O - Object Relational Mapping. 8. Inventory System Tables 2 ...
For each object, create a row in both a table for the superclass and a table for ... po-number (foreign-key) A5i. product-source-id (foreign-key) A5i. number ...
C# (pronounced 'C sharp') is an object-oriented language that is used to build ... aspx ...
Mentally group together low-level programming details (chunks) to build higher ... Where are data objects accessed? SEG4110 - Topic R - Software Maintenance. 16 ...
`ls` SEG4110 - Topic N - Ruby on Rails. 9. A few more details 3 ... app contains controllers/, models/ and views/ Start the built-in server. ruby script/server ...