New Delhi: Chief Scout For India Dr. Sandeep Marwah also Chair for Indo Mongolian Film And Cultural Forum appreciated by H.E. Khaltmaagiin Battulga the President of Mongolia for his deep interest in promoting relations between two countries through art and culture here at New Delhi. “I am humbled to present the Chief Patronship of Indo Mongolian Film And Cultural Forum to H.E. Khaltmaagiin Battulha the President of Mongolia. We need your blessings to move further in a big way,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah while presenting the memento to the President. “I am pleased to note the activities of Indo Mongolian Film And Cultural Forum and congratulate Dr. Sandeep Marwah for his efforts in developing and promoting relation between India and Mongolia. I wish him all the success,” said H.E. Khaltmaagiin Battulga accepting the Patronship of the Forum.
Noida: “Sandeep Marwah, six times international record holder, is one of the most well recognized name in media in the World. His contribution to films, television and media has been appreciated by the whole World. His every step is towards bringing in Love, Peace And Unity. He deserves Noble Prize for his efforts,” said Mohib Hamadi a renowned film maker and journalist from Afghanistan and also the messenger of H.E. Abdul Rashid Dostum. Vice President of Afghanistan. “Our Vice President of Afghanistan H.E. Abdul Rashid Dostum has sent this award along with the official presidential gown to Sandeep Marwah as a gesture of goodwill of friendship between India and Afghanistan,” added Mohib. The official presidential gown along with the award of appreciation was handed over to Sandeep Marwah in a grand function in the presence of large number of media professionals at Noida Film City.
Noida: Renowned film, TV and media personality Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studio has been nominated as the festival President of First Global Literary Festival Noida 2015. Sandeep Marwah has been directed and producing many important international festivals of the country including Global Film Festival, Global Festival of Journalism, International Festival of Cellphone Cinema, AAFT Festival of Short Digital Films, International Sufi Festival etc.
New Delhi: The board meeting of International Film And Television Club like every year nominated Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studio as the President of 8th Global Film Festival Noida 2015. Sandeep Marwah is a renowned film maker and has a vast experience in organizing and managing many national and international film festivals including Global Festival of Journalism, Global Literary Festival, International Festival of Cellphone Cinema, World Record AAFT Festival of Short Digital Films, International Sufi Festival and others. 8th Global Film Festival Noida 2015 will take place from 17th to 19th November at Noida Film City. Large preparations have already started to attract people from all over India and abroad.
New Delhi: Renowned international media personality Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios has been taken as the Patron to Indian Federation of United Nations Association based in Delhi. Indian Federation of United Nations Associations (IFUNA) was established more than four decades ago to promote the objectives of the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies. It is a Non-governmental, Voluntary, Nonprofit Organization working for International Peace and Understanding. IFUNA strives to focus its programs and activities around the vital concerns of the United Nations, like, Peace, International Understanding, Environment and Human Rights. “Galaxy of Luminaries had been associated with IFUNA like Late Smt. Vijaya Laxmi Pandit Former President of General Assembly U.N.O., Sh. Ram Krishan Hegde, Member of Parliament and Late Shri Ram Niwas Mirdha, Member of Parliament,” said Suresh Srivastava General Secretary of IFUNA.
New Delhi: “I congratulate all the participants of this 6th edition of Marathon for their enthusiasm and love for sports” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studio in the capacity of Chief Guest at Nehru Stadium speaking to more than 500 people from different strata of life. “Sport has be the part of our life. It should be in our system. If no game is available than walking itself is enough to keep you fit. If Nation is healthy the country will Prosper faster” added Marwah in his address.
New Delhi: Another feather in the cap of Sandeep Marwah when the management of Vajra records registered the World Record created by Sandeep Marwah in film production of Short Films in their books of World record. “Sandeep Marwah is the only producer in the World who has produced till now 2300 short films from 5 minutes to 55 minutes and given opportunity to more than 10,000 film persons from more than 100 countries of the World. All these productions have taken place under the banner Marwah Films And Video Productions in last 25 years”. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and Asian Education Group has been in films, television and media for almost 30 years. Producing short films is his passion. The films contain all genre mostly social issues.
Sandeep Marwah President Marwah Studios & Managing Director of NFTC- National Federation of Tourism And Transport Cooperatives of India Limited was invited by ISRMAX ASIA 2014 -International Agricultural Exhibition designed and executed by the biggest operators IMPACT at Thailand. “A small country like Thailand has done so well in just few years, India has to show up to the World expectations” said Sandeep Marwah talking to the group of people related to tourism at Hotel Novatel Bangkok Impact at Popular Road Nonthaburi, Thailand. More than 22 million tourists visited Thailand last year, up nearly 16% year-on-year, setting a new record for the kingdom. Last year, the world was generally at peace and there were no major geopolitical, economic, environmental or natural disasters and no health pandemics stated by the tourism officer of Thailand.
New Delhi: “The progress of our country today depends entirely on the education of the people of this country. We have to prepare many more entrepreneurs so that they can employ more people in their businesses,” said Sandeep Marwah President Marwah Studio and Asian Education Group on the inauguration of CGF 2015 an education fair organized by Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee at Gurdwara Rakab Ganj Sahib Complex at New Delhi. “To build a strong modern India and for the development of the society at large, it is our humble endeavor to provide the students of Delhi complete spectrum of available career options. It is important to support students at the budding stage and to acquaint them with ‘how’ and ‘what’ they can do to fulfill their passions to earn their livelihood” said Manjit Singh G.K. President of DSGMC.
Tashkent: Renowned film and television personality and Chair for Indo Uzbekistan Film and Cultural Forum Sandeep Marwah was the special invitee at the Tashkent International Film Festival 2021 open today here at Alisher Navoi Cinema Palace in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. “It is great pleasure to attend the film festival almost after two years of Pandemic in any country to that scale. The excitement and enthusiasm is at its peak. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet film makers and artist from almost 15 countries including USA, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Israel, India, Italy, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Poland, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan,” said Sandeep Marwah founder President of Marwah Studios and Chancellor of AAFT University of Media and Arts.
New Delhi: The President of Marwah Studios and well known international film personality Sandeep Marwah nominated as the Chair for Indo Mongolian Film And Cultural Forum constituted by Mongolian Embassy in India and ICMEI. “Sandeep Marwah is a man with a vision, his vast experience in cultural diplomacy will bring better results to this association between International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry and Government of Mongolia,” said H.E. Gonchig Ganbold Ambassador of Mongolia to India.
New Delhi: 17th May has been declared as the World Telecommunication Day by United Nation, a program initiated by Sandeep Marwah President Marwah Studios also Chairman for the seminar at PHD Chamber of Commerce. “The purpose of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day is to help raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of the Internet and other information and communication technologies can bring to societies and economies, as well as to bridge the digital divide” said Sandeep Marwah. Mahmood Ahmed Joint Administrator- USOF Department of Telecommunication, Ashwani Salwan DDG Broadband Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Government of India provided ample information to the audience about the telecommunication trade in India.
“It’s a matter of great excitement that we have with us Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios, the most well known media personality of Asia and a world record holder to share his experience with you all” Jeno Hodi Director of Budapest Film Academy introduced Marwah in a master class. Talking to the students Sandeep Marwah also Chairperson of Indo Hungarian Film Association gave an overview of Indian Film Industry and discussed his own case study of being in media. Answering to the questions Marwah expressed his desire to go for joint venture and co-production with Hungarian filmmakers in the coming years. Sandeep Marwah invited students of Budapest Film Academy to come and direct short films in India for which Asian Academy of Film And Television is ready to provide complete infrastructure.
London: On the completion of 25 years of Marwah Studios, the President Sandeep Marwah has announced the launching of 162 international short films with directors of 162 countries of the World. First time in the history of entertainment industry some thing like that has been declared. Sandeep Marwah is the producer of largest number of short films in the World. He has already given an opportunity to around 2300 young film directors and around 9000 artists and technicians from different parts of the Globe. “I am passionate about producing short films. Not only that I love to give opportunity to young filmmakers who are looking for an entry into film industry, I feel It is the most crucial time of the film maker when he wants to do something but not many people come forward to help them” said Sandeep Marwah five times World Record Holder in Media at a press meet at Hotel Mayfair at London.
Gurgoan: “Indian Film and television Industry is big enough to accommodate different awards to the industry people. This is the only award in India designed for broadcasting industry “ said Sandeep Marwah President International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry & Marwah Studio presenting prestigious 6th BCS Ratna Awards to awardees at Kingdom of Dreams, Gurgoan. “We have left no stone unturned to make these awards special one and most exclusive for broadcasting industry” addressed Dr. A.K.Rastogi promoter and organizer of the national level awards. Rastogi is also the president of All India Cable Association. We have people from all over India and all the disciplines of broadcasting including Cable network, set boxes, programming, Education etc.” added Anurag Rastogi CEO of the event. The event was planned by Avishkar Media Group and followed by gala dinner and entertainment program.
New Delhi: An exhibition of paintings, handicrafts and books made by the children of Katha organization were displayed at the Embassy of Serbia in New Delhi to support the organization economically as well as morally. “It is essential to come forward and support these kind of social organizations so that children get motivated to do something in life who all have been otherwise ignored by the Society” said Vladimir Maric Ambassador of Serbia to India while inaugurating the exhibition. “Marwah Studios always been part of these kind of initiatives and go out of way to support the organizations in achieving their aims and goals” said Sandeep Marwah President of ICMEI- International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry special invitee at the exhibition.
New Delhi: Sandeep Marwah from Uttar Pradesh had created new Vajra World Record by covering 19th Queens Baton Relay from Wagah Boarder to Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi by covering 28 states 5 Union Territories, 20,000 kms., 300 events, 900 cities clicked 10,000 pictures, 1000 Hours film making, 102 Radio Programs, 102 Short films in 102 days for World Broadcast- published by Vajra World Records. The idea of this kind of book strings together ‘Indian’ achievements originated in 1989, The objective was simple- to provide a platform to ordinary Indians to showcase their talent in their search for excellence. It was difficult then to ferret out details from people for an entity that did not exist. The Vajra world records using and thrilling but also inspiring and informative.
“An excellent collection with different formats including crayons, oil colors, pencil sketches etc. Sabya Sachi Ghosh is a versatile painter of this age, inaugurating his solo exhibition has given me more strength to work for arts” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios while lighting the inaugural lamp. Sabya Sachi Ghosh is a well-known artist from Kolkata running studios at Agra. Sabya opted this profession as it fulfills his desire to understand the confusing world around. “ Creating arts give my life a complete meaning,” said Sabya Sachi Ghosh, a bachelor in education and masters in English. An exhibition titled ‘A World Of My Own’ at the Visual Art Gallery at India Habitat Centre was well attended by large number of art lovers and critics. It explores multiple facets of the human experience as an individual isolated from perceived as one with society. The solo show is a study of artist’s perception that transcends time and leaps into the infinite.
New Delhi; International Film And Television Research Centre recently published the book on the accomplishments of Sandeep Marwah President Marwah Studios showcasing his five World Records and his involvement with different organizations in different capacities. The first version was released by the great international spiritual leader His Holiness Dalai Lama and blessed Sandeep Marwah to carry on the good work in the society through media and entertainment segment of the industry.
“Five World Records in Media Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios is having many different caps to wear. He has been Chairperson for Indo Hungarian Film Association and recipient of important awards from Hungary too” informed Tibor Kovacs Director Hungarian Information And Cultural Center in Delhi at a grand function at Embassy of Hungary, New Delhi. “We are proud to be associated with Sandeep Marwah who has done enough for Indo Hungarian relationship to be recognized today at this cultural evening” said H.E. Szilveszter Bus Ambassador of Hungary in India while handing over the memento. The evening was full of presentation of food, drinks, music, art, dance, dresses and people from Hungary. People from all strata of life including art & culture, business and professions attended the gala evening.
“We need to have more relaxing and entertainment centers in Delhi, as life has become so hectic and tense. Art galleries can play a wonderful role in bringing cool and calm environment in our day to day affairs” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios inaugurating a new art gallery-Arts Unlimited in town at Chirag Delhi. Renowned artist Iqbal Krishna who is also the art curater manages the art gallery. Iqbal has a vast experience in conducting large number of solo and group shows earlier at different cultural centers and art galleries. “Sandeep Marwah is the right person to be invited to open and inaugurate the art gallery as well as the first group show. He is not only an art lover but also the powerful and passionate art promoter” said Iqbal Krishna thanking the entire important guest from the different parts of town. Later Iqbal presented one of his works to Marwah.
New Delhi: “We have 65 percent of the population in India as youth. India is one of the youngest countries of the World. There has to be a powerful participation from India to Russia for this year festival,” motivated Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and Asian Education Group at Russian Centre attending conference arranged to propagate Youth Festival. The World Festival of Youth and Students is an international event, organized by the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), a left-wing youth organization, jointly with the International Union of Students since 1947.
The President of Marwah Studios and Asian Education Group Sandeep Marwah has been invited to join the 11th edition of Jameson’s Miskolc Film Festival from 12th to 21st September, 2014 in North of Hungary. Sandeep Marwah shall be conducting a Master Class at the festival and shall be the member of the International jury. This time special focus is on Indian Cinema. He will also be receiving an award for his five World Records. Sandeep Marwah is known to international cinema in a big way. He has already trained more than 10,000 students from 94 countries of the World. Marwah has been representing India in number of other festivals like Cairo International Film Festival-Egypt, Mons International Film Festival-Belgium, Nigerian International Students Film Festival, Shoot For Life & Shoot For Earth film Festival –Hungary and many more
Mundgod 30th December, 2014: “A friend, Missionary, Educationist, Ambassador, Philanthropist, Media Baron H.E. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios is five times World Record Holder in media. His all chapters brings out peace, Love and Unity, We are proud to honor him today” announced Youdon Aukatsang, Executive Director Empowering The Vision Project at Mundgod during two days convention. Prime Minister of Tibet H.E. Dr. Lobsang Sangay handed over an International award to H.E. Sandeep Marwah for his contribution to the World Peace, Universal Brotherhood and Media World and his Abiding Support to the Global Cooperative Movement. “Sandeep Marwah is a friend of Tibet and we must honor him for his support to Tibet” said
“Kabir Sadanand has been an actor and he knows well how to persuade actors to give their best” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios while introducing the director of the feature film Fugly. “I am back home, this my place of origin, I have learned a lot from AAFT-my alma matter. I extent my gratitude to my film school” said Mohit Marwah one of the four main artist present on the stage. “I am happy the film is going to leave a message for the audience” added Vijender Singh. “We all are new and we have putin our best in the film” said Kiara Advani the leading lady of the film. We want you to see the film on 13th June at your nearest theatre, you will sure like our efforts” said Arfi Lamba. “Film has been out of our life. It has emotions, sensation, drama, reality and it is an entertainment” said Kabir Sadanand director of the film.
London: The Churchill Hall was bubbling with energy. A grand glittering event was organized to honor the prominent Indians at House of Common at British Parliament at London. “Swayam Vidhata Ho ve Manav Antar Main Vishwas Jagao Chalo Na Mitte Pad Chinoh Par Apne Raste Aap Banao” a couplet recited by Dr. Sandeep Marwah to start his speech in the Churchill Hall of House of Common at British Parliament in London when asked to address the audience. “God has been so kind that he has showered on us all those powers which he possesses with himself be it a power of Generation, Operation or Destruction. It is entirely upon us which power we want to use for which purpose. Lets use our powers to built up a beautiful world and do good to save the human race,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios.
“Writing is not only a very important part of filmmaking but our day to day affairs. Very few people can take up the assignment of converting their expression into the shape of book” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios while releasing the book of Sanjay Sinha. The event of book release took place at NDMC convention Cenre at New Delhi during the 3rd Delhi International Film Festival. “I congratulate the writer for transforming his thoughts into words and then a book” added Marwah. “I am thoroughly excited that my book got space in the festival which has enhanced my motivation to start the new book” said Sanjay Sinha also the Editor Aaj Tak thanking the organizers. Ashok Tyagi Secretary General of ICMEI, Ram Kishore Parcha President DIFF, Yaseer Usmaan Writer and large number of filmmakers were present on the occasion.
Dubai: 14th July 2021-Seven World Record holder and a media baron Dr. Sandeep Marwah of Republic of India was honoured for his untiring contribution to World Peace and Unity through Art and culture by The Abrahamic Business Circle in a grand event at Hotel Taj at Dubai, UAE.
New Delhi: The Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, Government of India in association with NGO Beginning organized a workshop and seminar on entrepreneurship at Hotel Ashok to promote the young entrepreneur from eastern part of the country. The event was followed by an award function to encourage all those who have done enough for the eastern region. “It is very important to encourage all those who have done well for the society. I am honored to present these prestigious awards to dedicated Indians” said Inderesh Kumar Senior Leader of Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sang. “You have to be over and above the level of cast, creed, religion, region and work for the society. We have created a special cell for Northern Region of India comprising of 8 states at our campus to promote them to our best.
“I am a Delhi boy, I always wanted to come back to Delhi with some kind of achievement. Tever is my first film as a Director. I am sure people of Delhi will like the film” said Amit Sharma Director of film Tever at New Delhi on the invitation of Sandeep Marwah President Marwah Studios. “Arjun has given his best to the film. I am happy with his performance. He has worked hard on the role,” said Sanjay Kapoor Producer of Tever. “We have left no stone unturned to make this film a complete entertainer. Songs, dialogues and music have played their role perfectly along with star cast,” added Boney Kapoor Presenter of the film.
Never get dishearten, always be enthusiastic, Learn from your own mistakes are some of the suggestions given by Sandeep Marwah President Marwah Studios to the young audience at the 45th International Convention organized by Institute of Marketing And Management at Habitat Centre New Delhi. Speaking on the occasion as keynote speaker Sandeep Marwah also paid his gratitude to the institute and recollected his days at the institute. “ We have been really taken care of as student at IMM during our days. Dr. Jagjit Singh was a genius and master of Marketing” added Marwah. Abhay Gupta of Luxury Connect & LCBS, Sanjay Tripathi of Cyber Futuristic, Sunil Goyal of Your Nest Angel Fund, Rohit Upadhyay of I Broad 7 Communication, Pratibha Advani and Gaganjit Singh also addressed the Entrepreneurship Conference titled Saluting Indian Entrepreneurs. Earlier Kalraj Mishra Union Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India inaugurated the convention.
The renowned Media personality and great devotee of Lord Krishna Sandeep Marwah was honored today with the Patron ship of ISKCON-International Society for Krishna Consciousness by the Global Minister Sankirtan and Padayatra His Holiness Loknath Swami at ISKCON Temple Noida. “Honest Karma is the key to success. God helps those who help themselves. Work sincerely and leave the results to Lord Krishna” blessed Loknath Swami appreciating the social side of Sandeep Marwah. A certificate of patron ship blessed by Lord Krishna was handed over to Marwah in the presence of Buddhimanta Public Relation officer of Noida ISKCON, Parmatma Swami Maharaj, Bansidhar Dass Vice President ISKCON Noida, Chandrakant Kharade-Patil Secretary General World Peace Development And Research Foundation.
“Our traditions and culture has been molded to bring in love and peace in the society. Only with love and peace a country can prosper to the maximum level” said Sandeep Marwah President Marwah Studios and International Children’s Film Forum addressing the young Indians on the occasion of pre independence Day celebration- Jashn- E- Azadi by Nehru Bal Sangh at India Islamic Cultural Centre Delhi. Sandeep Marwah emphasized on the unity of all the cast and creed, religions and different segments of the community. Dr. Yoganand Shastri former Speaker Delhi Vidhan Sabha, Ashok Sahota National President NBS, Virender Aggarwal National Secretary NBS also spoke on the occasion. The songs and drama competition of school children based on the Independence Day followed the program. The entire series will be telecasted at next week announced Secretary.
“Film Festivals are the best way to promote the films. I am happy that Delhi International Film Festival has picked up with its 3rd edition,” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studio inaugurating festival at NDMC Convention Centre at New Delhi. Chief Guest of the occasion Delhi BJP President Satish Upadhaya said,” you do not need language to understand the cinema. The language of cinema is emotion” who later handed over Lifetime achievement award to veteran filmmaker Subhash Ghai.
“I wanted to be part of this prestigious and a very powerful program today but it was equally important for me to be in Europe to represent my country in the field of tourism and transport being the head recently appointed. I bless all the young film makers and wish them a very bright future on this last day of convocation” read by Kalyan Sarkar Dean AAFT the message of Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and Head of Asian Education Group on the 83rd valedictory function of AAFT. The whole faculty and administration bid good bye to the passing out students of production/Direction & tv journalism, editing & sound recording, Camera & lighting technics, acting and presentation, sound and radio production, graphics & animation, print & journalism, script & research of 83rd batch.
Agra 2nd January, 2015: “Taj Mahal is the Pride of India. AAFT has included making of film on Taj as a part of the syllabus for upcoming filmmakers at Marwah Studios” said Sandeep Marwah president of Marwah Studios & five times international record holder in media is here to finalize the details of the films. “Taj will also be the part of 3rd Global Festival of Journalism 2015 from 12th to 14th February” informed Marwah. Asian Academy of Film And Television one of the first ten best film schools of the World has taken the responsibility of preserving popularity of Taj and bring more glory to one of the Wonders of the World. “It is for the first time in the World any film school has converted any wonder of the World as its syllabus of the education system, we have done it because we believe that there is no structure which can be compared to Taj Mahal” added Marwah.
“It will be great of you to accept invitation to be the chief guest of Indian Film Festival at India. Your Presence will enhance the relations between India and Hungary for all time to come” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios requesting Andrew G Vajna during their official meeting at Budapest. Andrew G Vajna is one of the biggest Hungarian name in Hollywood cinema. He is famous for Feature films like Mountains of the Moon, Medicine Man, Basic Instinct, Tombstone, Color of Night, Renaissance Man, Nixon, The Scarlet Letter, Die Hard with a Vengeance, Evita, Amanda, Shadow Conspiracy, An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn, The 13th
New Delhi: “Every Indian must learn that he has to live in the place which should be neat & clean and he must plant and preserve some trees around him. The whole country will become a beautiful place,” said Sandeep Marwah President Marwah Studio on the 12th foundation Day of Sarita Vihar Harit Kranti Association. Welcoming the guests J.S.Saluja spoke about how they have converted Sarita Vihar into Green Colony of the city. Padamshree Ashok Chakradhar congratulated the association and expressed his views in poetry. Sandeep Marwah also informed that how their concept of Clean India has become the National Program by the Prime Minister of India on 2nd October 2014. He emphasized on the Gift A Tree scheme. Neetu Choudhary Councillor Sarita Vihar, Jitendra Singh of DDA, K.S.Meena of Municipal Corporation, Dr. S.D. Singh of DPGS, Mohini Bhargava and Uttara Radhakrishna also spoke on the occasion.
New Delhi; “Asian Academy of Arts has been a big initiative taken by Sandeep Marwah not only to promote fine and performing arts but also the literature in specific. Creation of Publishers Club, Writers Forum and book releases events at ACA- has added to literature promotion” a citation read by the organizers at Constitution Club at New Delhi. An organization of journalist at New Delhi decided to honor Sandeep Marwah for his untiring
“Large numbers of Indian schools do not possess sports facilities in the school, nor they have any ground to encourage the sports. Private bodies like Indo Global Foundation have to come forward to create an environment for sports and games” said Sandeep Marwah World Record Holder in Sports and President Marwah Studios at the press conference to announce Maitri Cup an inter school football tournament. The tournament is going to stat from 1st to 3rd December at Dr. Ambedkar Stadium, New Delhi. Ajit M. Sharan Secretary Sports, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Government of India will inaugurate it. The tournament will showcase some of the best talents in the top football playing schools of Delhi region. Sandeep Marwah was sharing dice with German Football player Albert Rampel, British football player Jimmy Carter, Benny Joseph and Raj Shekhar of Indo Global Foundation, Harsh Singh of Remix Entertainment and social worker Satya Bhushan Jain.
New York, USA – In a momentous ceremony, Dr. Sandeep Marwah, an esteemed international media personality and cultural ambassador to India from seventy-five countries, was honored by the New York State Assembly. The accolade was presented by Hon. Nader J. Sayegh of the New York State Assembly, representing Yonkers, during Dr. Marwah’s visit to the USA to foster relations between India and New York through art, culture, education, and social activities. Dr. Sandeep Marwah, who holds an impressive nine world records, is the visionary founder of Noida Film City. This monumental initiative has provided employment to 17,000 individuals and positively impacted the livelihoods of 150,000 people indirectly. As the Founder President of Marwah Studios, Dr. Marwah has been instrumental in the production of 4,500 TV programs for fifty channels and the creation of 5,000 training films. His extensive involvement in the film industry includes associations with over 100 feature films.
All the members of the jury from around the world gathered at Miskolc to celebrate the 11th Miskolc International Festival at Hungary. This festival has emerged as one of the biggest and important film festivals of Europe. Some of the well-known names of World Cinema including Alfredo Mayo Spanish Cinematographer, Sandeep Marwah Studio Biggie from India, Olivier Gerrard from France, Pap Ferenc Hungarian Cinematographer, Jan Schulz Ojala Film Critic from Germany and Fernanda Silva Portuguese Festival Organizer were present there. Lakatos Robert film Director from Romania, Oliver Stangl Autrian Documentary Filmmaker, Anu Laura Tuttelberg Estonian Animator, Andrzej Fogler Polish Film Critic, Molnar Jidit Anna Hungarian Television and Pierre Yves Roger French Film Critic also joined the board.
Tashkent: The councilor and Director Sipra Ghosh of Lal Bahadur Shastri Centre for Indian Culture at Tashkent invited the International Media Personality from India Sandeep Marwah on his arrival at Tashkent on his state visit to Uzbekistan. The Director along with the Indian and Uzbek staff very well received Sandeep Marwah along with few members of his delegation at the centre.
New Delhi 21st Nov. 2014: “More than 25 years Sandeep Marwah has been promoting fine arts in India especially music, singing, dance and writing. He is already been a pioneer in organizing events and cultural programs to give opportunity to the upcoming artists” said Dr. Anita Srivastava President of Savitri Vikas Samiti at Arya Auditorium at New Delhi. The appreciation handed over by the renowned writer Poet Padma Bhushan Dr. Gopal Das Neeraj who was the chief guest at the cultural program of music by Savitri Vikas Samiti on the songs written by him for feature films of Indian Cinema. The program was dedicated to his contribution to Indian cinema as Lyrics writer. “I am a great fan of all the songs written by Neeraj Ji in last so many years. His each and every lyric used as film song is like a diamond” thanked Sandeep Marwah for recognizing his efforts.
“It is a great pleasure to be present at ISKCON Temple and remember Lord Krishna and his sayings. There is nothing bigger than the Karma. Believe in you, work hard and then believe in him for results” motivated Sandeep Marwah President Marwah Studio to the hundreds of students from all over India to participate in music and writing competition at ISKCON. “We need great Motivators, Karam Yogis like Sandeep Marwah who is now patron of the ISKCON and supporting every activity of ISKCON” said Budhimata Public Relation officer. His Holiness Devamrit Swami Maharaj, the minister of ISKCON council from USA was the presiding officer of the function. Later Sandeep Marwah presented the life membership of World Peace Development and Research Foundation to Maharaj. Parmatma Swami Maharaj, Bansidhar Dass Vice President ISKCON Noida, Chandrakant Kharade-Patil Secretary General World Peace Development And Research Foundation were also present there.
Noida: A high powered delegation from Uzbekistan visited Marwah Studios at Noida Film City to join hands for films and media business with India. “The Embassy of Uzbekistan has referred the most popular film, television and media unit and founders of Noida Film City to the visiting Government officials from Tashkent along with film makers as we are sure we will reach to some better conclusion, ”said Muzaffar B Kamilov Second Secretary- Information And Culture Embassy of Uzbekistan in New Delhi, India. We are keen and ready to visit Ubzekistan as film shooting and film production is our most important agenda. We have formed Indo Uzbekistan Film And Cultural Forum and your presence has added a lot to it,” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios.
Istanbul: A team of Turkish film and television personalities from Turkish Television visited at Marwah Studios under the leadership of Bilal Acikgoz President Indialogue Foundation at Noida Film City. The team admired the work, which has been displayed at Noida Film City, and they also honored Sandeep Marwah for his untiring efforts in bringing Noida Film City on the World Map of Cinema. “We invite you to Istanbul to be our guest so that we can reciprocate the hospitality and loving gestures you have extended to us” said the head of the delegation from Turkey accompanied with Mustafa Kartal, Manager, Ali Zengin, Scriptwriter and Abduvakhid Azizov, Project Coordinator The two organizations ICMEI-International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry and Indialogue Foundation joined hands for promotion of art and cultural activities.
Noida: Indo Bulgarian Film And Cultural Forum created jointly by International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry and Embassy of Bulgaria in India last year presented a scholarship to H.E. Petko Doykov the Ambassador of Bulgaria to India. Sandeep Marwah President of ICMEI presented the scholarship in a grand function at Marwah Studios. ”We will be more than happy to receive a deserving student from Bulgaria to learn the art of film, television and media in India,” said Sandeep Marwah Chairperson of the forum.
Kolkata: A well-known international media personality, Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios was honored at the national summit on digital media under the title ENGAGE 2018 at Hotel ITC Sonar at Kolkata. ENGAGE 2018 is Eastern India’s largest digital media conference designed by Public Relations Society of India Kolkata Chapter and is associated with some of the brightest industry stalwarts as its members.
New Delhi: More than 25 young and senior artists join together to present a powerful group-painting exhibition at All India Fine Arts Cultural Society hall at New Delhi. “The appropriate tittle SPARSHA for exhibition has enhanced the show. Sparsha means- a touch. It is the series of touches- canvas with colors, colors with brush, brush with hand and hand with heart and mind which leads to expression of feelings and thinking on canvas” said Sandeep Marwah President Marwah Studio while inaugurating the exhibition. A collection of Drawings, Paintings, Graphics, Ceramics and new media by Alok K.V., Anil Kanive, Anjali Manakkad, Anjana Pradeep, Chidananda Y.N., Chitranjan Gupta, Deba Mitra Chakrabarty, Jai Prskash S.B., K.G. Lingadevru, Krishna Rajendra Kumar, Lokesha R., Mallikarjun C Bagodi and Mukta Guta were displayed.
“Indian traditions have great values. These values are the key to a peaceful and comfortable life. Trust them and you will always be a winner,” said Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios at the grand finale of’ Kahin Gum Na Ho Jayein – The Great Indian Sattvik & Ayurvedic Thali Challenge’ organized by Let’s Give Back Foundation, an association owned by Mrs.Babeetta Sakxena at the holy ISKCON temple Auditorium.
Noida: This is for the fist time in India that a fashion school has been the part of a film school. This is also for the first time that every student of fashion school gets an opportunity to be part of every medium of media i.e. print, radio, television, cinema and New Media” said Babeetta Sakxena addressing 40 contestants of National Beauty Contest at Marwah Studio. “Sandeep Marwah deserves bigger awards on the powerful international platforms, but this is a humble gesture of extending our gratitude to him for supporting Indian Fashion Industry whole heartedly” said Ritika Vinay Director of Mrs India Beauty Pageant while handing over the award. “The efforts and encouragement Sandeep Marwah has added as President of International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry are worth praising,” added Vinay Director of the show.
Noida: 16 Countries participated in the international summit designed by World Peace Development And Research Foundation at Marwah Studios under the leadership of international renowned media person Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios. “We are at Marwah Studios putting our best to bring in love, peace and unity through films, television, media, art and culture. This is the only way we can bring the people of all the nations together without any difference of opinion,” initiated Marwah addressing the foreign delegates. Sandeep Marwah through his different international organizations like IFTC- International Film And Television Club, IFTRC- International Film And Television Research Centre, IWFF- International Women’s Film Forum, ICFF- International Children’s Film Forum has tapped more than 140 countries where a word of love peace and unity has been spread.
New Delhi: Five World Records in Media, and pioneer in many fields Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios, receives his honorary Doctorate from Kings University, USA as a gesture of recognition of his untiring efforts in the film, television and media industry. Sandeep Marwah has already been titled as Global Cultural Minister, Global Peace Ambassador, Global Green Ambassador and now Global Media Guru declared by the Kings University, USA while reading his citation.