In this course, you will the learn how to create web applications using Ruby on Rails. During this course, you will learn the full Rails MVC stack, testing techniques, Ajax and even web services. You will learn first hand the life-cycle of a Ruby on Rails project, giving you experience with all facets of a typical Ruby on Rails app. For full curriculum and batch details contact or call us at +1-443-687-9600
Many have heard the buzz around Grails (a full-stack web-app platform that “attempts to solve as many pieces of the web development puzzle”) and the Groovy language (since 2004, one of the most powerful dynamic languages for the JVM). However, how many can leverage the full power of the platform? Maybe you've heard about frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Django or TurboGears and would like to achieve similar benefits in your development shop? Don’t let DHH and the Rails community have all the fun... This workshop is intended to be a solid and pragmatic introduction to using Grails & Groovy at work, or for those advocating or promoting such rapid development Groovy and grails online training
Hyderabadsys provides complete knowledge regarding all core concepts and it gives enough confidence about GROOVY AND GRAILS . Grails is one of the latest programming languages that serve the purpose of Rapid Application Development. The inspiration for development of this language was drawn from Ruby on Rails. Grails works on Java's Virtual Machine also known as JVM. This language depends on Groovy which is again compatible with the JVM. The popularity of Grails is sky rocketing. Grails is one of the quickest growing web frameworks for Rapid Application Development (RAD). groovy and grails Online Training Contact us: INDIA : +91 9030400777 USA : +1-347-606-2716 EMAIL :
The New Frontier and the Great Society President John F. Kennedy s efforts to confront the Soviet Union and address social ills are cut short by his assassination.
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