There are many causes of short-term memory loss. However, doctors may not always know the cause. Some causes also progress, which means that they may develop into long-term memory loss symptoms over time. The most common short-term memory loss causes like Normal aging, Dementia, Substance use disorder, Lack of sleep. Other qually impactful causes of short term memory loss are: Illnesses that affect the brain tissue, Brain injuries and tumors, Blood clots in the brain, Brain infections, Stress etc.
There are many causes of short-term memory loss. However, doctors may not always know the cause. Some causes also progress, which means that they may develop into long-term memory loss symptoms over time. The most common short-term memory loss causes like Normal aging, Dementia, Substance use disorder, Lack of sleep. Other qually impactful causes of short term memory loss are: Illnesses that affect the brain tissue, Brain injuries and tumors, Blood clots in the brain, Brain infections, Stress etc.
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