There are more than one hundred types of testing, and usually one has only one software project with determined timeframes and allocated budget. How many testing types are enough to make sure a product meets the required quality standards? What testing types are critical for software quality? And what ones to omit without compromising on quality? Purposes of test automation: to improve the effectiveness of testing, to accelerate testing, to make testing transparent, to reduce expenses on testing
Those who are at least a little bit interested in software testing know that performing web products testing, desktop application checking or mobile testing, the specialists use the certain systems which help to detect errors, their status, progress level, and many other factors. (by QATestLab)
SQL (Structured Query language) is a standard language for the database access and their management according to American National Standards Institute. (by QATestLab)
According to incremental model, the product creation process is divided into diverse builds. Thus, development cycle reminds “multistage” model. by QATestLab
Often, one may hear the word “selenium” from the IT specialists’ mouth. But how does selenium, the chemical element of the periodic system, touch the software product development cycle? (by QATestLab)
Performing automated testing, the specialists may use various tools. This may be a set of Selenium or QTP tools (Quick Test Professional). (by QATestLab) Today competition between software products is fierce. Many free and paid programs with similar functionality are available for the users.
Generally, regression testing is performed in order to assure that current functionality operates appropriately, and all code modifications did not break the work of other systems. (by QATestLab)
This tool is used by software testing company for managing the checking process of the software products of various kinds. Such tool is suitable as for large corporations, as well as for small startups. (by QATestLab)
The tools of various kinds are used for web application development. These may be the script and programming languages, frameworks, diverse technologies, and so on. (by QATestLab)
Retesting slightly reminds regression testing but still there is a set of differences between these types of software quality checking. Retesting is more like rechecking of the earlier reproducing error. by QATestLab
For the set goals achievement and successful A/B testing fulfillment, first of all, one should get acquainted with the peculiarities of such checking type and the algorithm of its performance. (by QATestLab) The testing process consists of 4P (plane, prepare, perform and perfect). There are different phases of testing performed by different teams for a single project. Nowadays software products are complex. Software development, including functional testing, usability testing, performance testing, security testing and other testing activities, is time and labor consuming. Nowadays software products are complex systems. Developing and testing of a modern application require considerable time and efforts.
It is a well-known fact that software testing company actively uses databases in its activity. Performing banking application testing or e-commerce testing, the specialists use peculiar tools for working with the data warehouses. (by QATestLab)
A/A testing slightly reminds A/B checking when two almost identical versions of the same page are tested. The A/A testing aim is to check whether the static data are displayed properly. by QATestLab It is common knowledge that various software bugs appear in course of any software development process. That is why every project includes a test team.
The RAD (Rapid Application Development) development model is one of the types of incremental model. The principle of parallel creation of the system components and functions underlies this model. (by QATestLab) Why is metrics program an essential part of software testing? Software testing company always collect all measurements obtained during process of testing. Software products have been evolving for several decades. We have every reason to believe that information technology is one the most rapidly developing fields. Frankly speaking, it is absolutely impossible to completely eliminate the software problems and make it free from later negative aftereffects. When performing web site testing, desktop testing or mobile application testing it is very important to understand end users mindset. A lot of factors influence efficiency of mobile testing, desktop testing and web site testing. One of them is appropriately selected tools. It is known that a lot of work is executed manually in mobile testing, desktop testing and web site testing. Automation is applicable only to some tests. It appears that negative testing is sometimes ignored. Some managers decide to execute negative tests at the late phases of the development process, before acceptance testing.
There is a set of tools for the qualitative execution of automated testing of different web products. Selenium is one of such product series. Now it will be discussed one of its components, namely Selenium. (by QATestLab) Software development is a complex process consisting of many phases and types of activities and involving many experts in different fields. Modern software products are sophisticated; they are smart and user-friendly, perform different functions, support various media effects. Some of their functions are of great importance, some are supplementary. Performing mobile application testing, desktop testing or web site testing it is wise to watch tendency of software bugs appearance. Correctly set goals are a key to success of any activity. This rule works during mobile application testing, desktop testing and web site testing too. Mobile testing, desktop testing and web site testing are different types of testing activities and each type has its peculiarities. So you’ve decided to occupy yourself with mobile application testing, desktop testing or web site testing. Take a minute to think whether you are really interested in it.