Operant Conditioning What is operant conditioning? How do reinforcement, punishment, and extinction apply to operant conditioning? To purchase this material click below link http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-550/PSYCH-550-Week-3-DQ-1
Learning Behavior Via Classical Conditioning What behaviors might best be learned using classical conditioning methods? To purchase this material click below link http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-550/PSYCH-550-Week-2-DQ-2
Memory Retention & Loss Is forgetting an intentional act? Explain why it is, or why it is not, an intentional act. To purchase this material click below link http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-550/PSYCH-550-Week-5-DQ-1
Difference Between Response What is the difference between conditioned and unconditioned responses? Provide at least three examples of each type of response. To purchase this material link http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-550/PSYCH-550-Week-2-DQ-1
Emotional Role In Memory? What Role Does Emotion Play in Memory - explain your answer and be sure to cite the reference(s) you use as your rationale. To purchase this material click below link http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-550/PSYCH-550-Week-5-DQ-2
Reinforcement Types Define variable ratio of reinforcement. What makes a variable ratio of reinforcement more powerful than a fixed ratio? How might this concept be applied to child rearing? Provide an example in your response. To purchase this material click below link http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-550/PSYCH-550-Week-3-DQ-2
To purchase this material click below link http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-550/PSYCH-550-Week-4-Individual-Operant-and-Classical-Instrumental-Conditioning-Paper
Serial Learning Factors As discussed in the readings for this week, serial learning involves a list of items that are learned and reproduced in accordance with their sequence of occurrence within the list. What factors impact serial learning? Which one of these factors have the greatest impact; be sure and explain your reasoning for choosing this factor. To purchase this material click below link http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-550/PSYCH-550-Week-4-DQ-2
Latent Learning and Reinforcement Tolman & Honzik’s latent learning experiment (1930) addressed the question of reinforcement’s necessity in learning, and found that reinforcement is NOT a necessary element of a learning environment. Do you agree or disagree with the results of Tolman & Honzik's experiment? What examples of either serial, paired associated, or free recall learning were there in these experiments? Explain your answers. To purchase this material click below link http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-550/PSYCH-550-Week-4-DQ-1
What is Humanistic Job Design (responses should be a minimum of 200 words)? Check this A+ tutorial guideline at http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-570/PSYCH-570-Week-3-DQ-2 For more classes visit http://www.assignmentcloud.com
What factors influence your job satisfaction (responses should be a minimum of 200 words)? Check this A+ tutorial guideline at http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-570/PSYCH-570-Week-2-DQ-2 For more classes visit http://www.assignmentcloud.com
PSYCH 570 Complete Class Check this A+ tutorial guideline at http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-570/PSYCH-570-Complete-Class-Guide For more classes visit http://www.assignmentcloud.com
What are some examples of counterproductive behaviors (responses should be a minimum of 200 words)? Check this A+ tutorial guideline at http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-570/PSYCH-570-Week-2-DQ-3 For more classes visit http://www.assignmentcloud.com
Which theory do you feel best explains motivation and why (responses should be a minimum of 200 words)? Check this A+ tutorial guideline at http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-570/PSYCH-570-Week-3-DQ-1 For more classes visit http://www.assignmentcloud.com
What is socialization? What methods do organizations use to socialize their employees (responses should be a minimum of 200 words)? Check this A+ tutorial guideline at http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-570/PSYCH-570-Week-1-DQ-3 For more classes visit http://www.assignmentcloud.com
Based on the readings and your experiences, what do you think makes a team effective (responses should be a minimum of 200 words)? Check this A+ tutorial guideline at http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-570/PSYCH-570-Week-4-DQ-2 For more classes visit http://www.assignmentcloud.com
What are the bases of power and which do you believe are the most effective (responses should be a minimum of 200 words)? Check this A+ tutorial guideline at http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-570/PSYCH-570-Week-3-DQ-3 For more classes visit http://www.assignmentcloud.com
What are some examples of job performance models? What do you think about these models (responses should be a minimum of 200 words)? Check this A+ tutorial guideline at http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-570/PSYCH-570-Week-2-DQ-1 For more classes visit http://www.assignmentcloud.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Scroll down to see all included assignments in this tutorial PSYCH 650 Week 1 Individual Assignment Perceptions and Causes of Psycho-pathology (2 Papers) PSYCH 650 Week 2 Individual Assignment Research-Based Interventions on Mood Disorders (2 Papers) PSYCH 650 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Culture and Psycho-pathology Presentation (2 PPT)
What are the similarities and differences between organizational psychology, organizational behavior, and industrial/organizational psychology (responses should be a minimum of 200 words)? Check this A+ tutorial guideline at http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-570/PSYCH-570-Week-1-DQ-1 For more classes visit http://www.assignmentcloud.com
What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of using experimental methods of data collection in the field of organizational psychology (responses should be at least 200 words)? Check this A+ tutorial guideline at http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-570/PSYCH-570-Week-1-DQ-2 For more classes visit http://www.assignmentcloud.com
Check this A+ tutorial guideline at http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-570/PSYCH-570-Week-2-Learning-Team-Occupational-Stress For more classes visit http://www.assignmentcloud.com
Check this A+ tutorial guideline at http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-570/PSYCH-570-Week-3-Learning-Team-Productive-and-Counterproductive-Behavior-Paper Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you examine productive and counterproductive behaviors in the workplace. As a part of your paper, address the following items: Define productive and counterproductive behavior. Analyze the relationship between productive and counterproductive behaviors and job performance. Analyze the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Describe the influence of occupational stress on job performance and satisfaction. Explain how an organization’s leaders can increase productive behavior, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. Include at least four peer-reviewed references. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your as signment. For more classes visit http://www.assignmentcloud.com
Check this A+ tutorial guideline at http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-570/PSYCH-570-Week-2-Individual-Applying-Organizational-Psychology-Paper Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you explain how the principles of organizational psychology can be applied to organizational recruitment and socialization. Address the following items in your paper: • Discuss the recruitment process from an organizational and applicant perspective. • Explain how the principles of organizational psychology can be used in the recruitment process. • Describe the concept of organizational socialization. • Explain how the principles of organizational psychology can be applied to organizational socialization. Include at least three peer-reviewed references. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. For more classes visit
Director International Business Studies. Appointments 288-3433 (Kristen) ... Make an appointment to meet with Dr. Hosseini (Call Kristen Moehle at 288-3433) ...
Check this A+ tutorial guideline at http://www.assignmentcloud.com/PSYCH-570/PSYCH-570-Week-1-Individual-What-is-Organizational-Psychology-Paper Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you examine the field of organizational psychology. Address the following items in your paper: • Define organizational psychology. • Explain the evolution of the field of organizational psychology. • Compare and contrast organizational psychology with at least two related disciplines. • Analyze the role of research and statistics in the field of organizational psychology. Include at least two peer-reviewed references. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. For more classes visit http://www.assignmentcloud.com