Logo Design Concept : In this logo, we focused mostly on the product (pipes). Here we can see that the company delivers fire protection service. The font was selected such that it looks more like a pipe. The colour red symbolize passion, desire, courage, danger and action thereby adding more flavour to the design and giving a sense of protection gained from the service.
Logo Design Concept : The mission of the company is successful implementation of global standards in food safety, quality management and occupational health safety management systems. DB is name of proprietor and company’s main client is apple company. Hence we have designed F as in Apple and F stands for fruit as well. Similarly Q stands for quality and tick over it defines top quality or product is passing quality standards which indicates the business objective.
Logo Design Concept While creating this logo we focused mainly on the nature of the business that is cloths made from pure cotton. The design and color of the logo is selected carefully to present the look and feel of real cotton there by showcasing the nature of the product produced. The colour blue symbolizes faith, trust, loyalty.
How We Work We provide package wise logo design services. If you have a certain budget for logo designing, all you need to do is to check out the packages that we provide. In case if you are unsure, you can check out the information on packages and the corresponding logo samples to have an idea, or you can call us to get more information. After you have chosen your package, all you need to do is to click on the "buy" option and finalize the transaction. We will e-mail you the receipt of order and the instructions for the following steps.