A very basic word to word meaning is a device used to heat the air before further use is called as Air Preheater. They are also recognized as air heaters or air-heating pipe. It is designed to exchange heat energy with desuperheaters. Desuperheater is a Device which is been used to reduce the temperature of the steam in a high heat generation plants where large amount of heat energy or steam is released in the atmosphere.
SO2 Abatement in Cement Preheaters. Martin Hagsted Rasmussen, PhD student ... 4-6 cyclones. A calciner. A rotary kiln. A grate cooler. Raw meal feed. 75 % CaCO3 ...
Air preheaters are classified as any kind of device that is used to heat the air to a certain temperature. The heated air is then then utilized as a primary source of energy to increase the thermal efficiency of the following process. Air-preheaters are placed at the beginning of the process and are used individually or to replace heat-exchangers already in place.
Combustion air preheaters are similar to economists, because they transfer energy from the flue gases back into the system. In these devices, however, the energy is transferred to the incoming combustion air.
Boilers and Fired Heaters. Soot blowers. Air preheaters ... Boiler. ID Fan. FD Fan. Cold Air. Hot Air. Hot Fluegas. Cold Fluegas. Air. Preheater. Air. Preheater ...
Advantages of AirPreheater It is used to heat the air before it is used for further application. For heating the air it uses heat energy of flue gases hence there are many more advantages of Airpreheaters over the normal preheaters such as • Increases thermal efficiency of the system • Payback period is very short and increase combustion rate • Improve and strengthen the combustion • Reduces the loss of furnace and the exhaust gas temperature, improve the boiler thermal efficiency. • Airpreheater is suitable for all standard fuels • They are easy for retrofit into existing systems • These airpreheaters are suitable for all waste heat boiler / flue gas boiler / boiler types. • They strengthen the heat transfer