Web Detective is a brand new Web-App that allows you to gather vital information from your websites so you know exactly what’s working and what’s not. It truly puts the MOST vital website information at your fingerprints, so you can skyrocket your traffic and profit.
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Web Detective is a brand new Web-App that allows you to gather vital information from your websites so you know exactly what’s working and what’s not. It truly puts the MOST vital website information at your fingerprints, so you can skyrocket your traffic and profit.
Web Detective is a brand new Web-App that allows you to gather vital information from your websites so you know exactly what’s working and what’s not. It truly puts the MOST vital website information at your fingerprints, so you can skyrocket your traffic and profit. And that’s just the beginning... Web Detective also: Allows you to get precise visitor analytics for your own sites so you know where your traffic is coming from, what content they want and how to improve your sites to make more profit... Allows you to easily keep track of your rankings so you know EXACTLY what keywords are bringing you traffic... Allows you to see EXACTLY what social networks your content is being shared on and where that traffic is coming from. Comes with a built-in keyword suggestion engine that populates profitable keywords from the top 4 search engines on the web – Google, Bing, Yahoo and Amazon...
ChromeStore is a fully-functional tool to build ecom stores for such sales notifications that are generated automatically every time you turn on your PC.