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Apply Personal Loan Online and compare the best personal loan interest rate along with the documentation requirements. Look out for a lender, which is trusted by millions, have a modern secure process, and transparent and ethical policies. more info :
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To become a Loan DSA Partner, you will need to register with a luckfinance. As a Loan DSA and Credit Card DA you can sell loans and credit cards to your customers and earn high commission payout.
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Investors are fast evolving to make ESG factors (Environment, Social and Governance) a part of their portfolio. ESG aims to achieve the triple bottom line that is good for the people, planet and profits. It is a framework for analyzing companies and assessing how well they compare to their peers in terms of performance against these metrics. While screening companies, the Quantum India ESG Equity Fund subjectively evaluates more than 200 parameters across the Environment, Social and Governance domains.
Find out what ESG stands for and what relevance does it play for your equity portfolio? Find out how the Quantum India ESG Equity Fund filters companies based on the proprietary ESG scoring methodology. Explore how the portfolio is constructed.
What is the full form of ESG? ESG investing is also called sustainable investing. ESG Mutual Fund is a category of Equity Mutual Fund that invests in companies following the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) parameters. Understand the scoring methodology used for the Quantum India Equity ESG Fund and how does it perform in comparison to the Equity Indices. Website:
Quantum India ESG Equity Fund is a thematic fund that filters stock based on the ESG parameters that is Environmental, Social and Governance. Understand the evolution of the mutual fund, our ESG screening criteria and portfolio construction process.
We envision every person across rural India empowered to lead a more secure, prosperous, and dignified life. Our mission is to strengthen community-led development initiatives to achieve positive social, economic, and environmental change across rural India.