Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy (PELD) is quite a unique approach which is quickly getting popular amongst patients and surgeons in the treatment of nonsequestrated disc herniation (disc prolapse) as it reduces the post operative hospitalization and recovery time
At Medwayindia, we are fully accelerated to eradicate every king of spinal disease and disorder, with its latest but best spine surgery in India. With the thorough practices including how beck has pain affected your life? And has back pain forced you to quit your favourite sport? The spine surgeons at spine surgery India are really perception of advanced and reliable back surgery solutions.
At Medwayindia, we are fully accelerated to eradicate every king of spinal disease and disorder, with its latest but best spine surgery in India. With the thorough practices including how beck has pain affected your life? And has back pain forced you to quit your favourite sport? The spine surgeons at spine surgery India are really perception of advanced and reliable back surgery solutions.
Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy (PELD) is a unique approach for the treatment of non-sequestrated disc herniation (disc prolapse). An advanced minimal invasive technique, PELD is performed for the decompression of the lumbar disc space and removal of nucleus pulposus via a posterolateral approach. In addition to decompression surgery, the technique has been found effective in management of spinal tumors and structural deformities.
PELD or Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy is an advanced minimally invasive spine surgery done for the decompression of the lumbar disc space and removal of nucleus pulposus via a posterolateral approach. PELD is also a good treatment option in management of spinal tumors and structural deformities also in patients whose pain threshold is low or who are not responding well to conservative treatments like pain killers, anti inflammatory drugs and rehabilitation.
Liver Transplantation Dr. Prashant Kumar University College of Medical Science & GTB Hospital, Delhi * Induction of Anaesthesia RSI due to emergency nature of surgery ...