Title: P1247676909yYzIL
1The Metric System of Measurement
2 In the metric system, each of the common kinds
of measure -- length, weight, capacity -- has one
basic unit of measure.
3When making metric conversions, arrange the
prefixes from largest to smallest
Kilo Hecto Deca UNIT deci centi
milli (meter, gram, or liter)
4Another way to arrange the prefixes is to use the
Down Right Easy Method
As you go down the steps you move the decimal to
the right. If you go up the steps you move the
decimal to the left.
Kilo Hecto Deca UNIT
deci centi milli
To convert 1.254 kilometers to meters, notice
that in the chart above, the name meter is three
places to the right of the name kilo or if you
are using the down right method, it is necessary
to go down three steps to get to meters.
Hecto Deca UNIT
deci centi milli
Kilo Hecto Deca UNIT deci centi
Therefore the decimal point in our number needs
to be moved three places to the right.
The answer is 1254.0 meters.
To convert 200 centimeters to meters, notice that
in the chart above, the name meter is two places
to the left of the name centi or it is two steps
up to get to meters
Hecto Deca UNIT
deci centi milli
Kilo Hecto Deca UNIT deci centi
Therefore the decimal point in our number needs
to be moved two places to the left.
The answer is 2.00 meters.
Hecto Deca UNIT
deci centi milli
Kilo Hecto Deca UNIT deci centi
- Change 345.33 Km to cm
- Change 100 g to Kg
- Change 2 L to mL
- Change 5 Kg to mg
- Change 19358.79 dm to mm
8Kilo Hecto Deca UNIT deci centi
Hecto Deca UNIT
deci centi milli
If a paper clip weighs approximately one gram,
estimate how many paper clips will be in a 0.5
kilogram box of paper clips?
9The English System of Measurement
10(No Transcript)
11Sometimes you need to convert from one unit of
measure to another similar unit. How many inches
are in 3 feet? How many ounces in 5 pounds? You
can do accomplish this by using simple
conversions and a proportion.
13 Length 12 inches (in) 1 foot (ft)3 feet 1
yard (yd) 5280 feet 1 mile (mi)
14Weight 16 ounces (oz) 1 pound (lb) 2000 lb
1 ton
15Capacity 3 teaspoons (tsp) 1 tablespoon
(tbsp) 16 tbsp 1 cup (c)8 ounces (oz) 1 c2
c 1 pint (pt)2 pt 1 quart (qt)4 qt 1
gallon (gal)
16Example 1 How many yards are in 15 feet?
There are 3 feet in one yard, so the conversion
ratio is 1 yd/3 ft
Solving algebraically gives an answer of 5 yards.
17Example 2 How many cups in one gallon?
There is no direct connection from cups to
However, 4 cups in one quart and 4 quarts in one
18So the conversion ratio could be
Solving algebraically gives an answer of 16 cups.
19Answer the following questions dealing
with measurement conversions.
20How many pounds of ground beef should you buy to
make 120 hamburgers, if each burger patty will
weigh 5 ounces before cooking?
21You want to cut a recipe for cookies by one third
(that is, you want to make only 2/3 of a full
batch of cookies). Your measuring cup is marked
with fourths of a cup and also milliliters. The
recipe calls for 4 cups of flour. How many
milliliters of flour are required for your
reduced recipe?
22To get electrical power to an air compressor, 60
feet of wire is needed. A roll of wire that is
300 inches is to be used. Will there be a
sufficient amount of wire to complete the job?
23Angela is recovering from surgery. The doctor
told her to lift no more than 20 pounds for the
next 3 weeks. A carton of powdered carpet
cleaner weighs 400 ounces. Should Angela lift
the carton?
24As you travel along a highway you notice the mile
markers and reflectors along the side of the
road. There are 21 reflectors between the mile
markers. If the reflectors are equally spaced,
how many feet are between each reflector?