It would be so awesome if we (meaning the citizens of the Internet) had plugins for popular web servers to make it easier to use OAuth2 to authenticate a person, and to authorize them to access certain URLs.
OpenID Connect has reached the quorum of votes needed for approval! Check out the launch press release. This under-appreciated event will have a profound effect on the Internet.
according to the discovery docs you can enter just the host/domain name (without the @ sign) and Webfinger will still work. You can also enter the issuer URL directly. Both of these allow for directed-identifier use cases, where you know the IdP but don’t know the end user at runtime, and this is a key feature for OIDC.
The Protocol offers Java developers a way to authenticate a person at any Internet domain that supports the standard. To accomplish this, the domain must provide a way to register clients--the website and mobile applications that use the authentication API offered by the domain.
One of the benefits of this solution is that it is friendly to both Web and native applications. Also, UMA itself is neutral on how the person is authenticated, so its conceivable that a profile for SAML could also be defined.
Gluu provides IT services to large organizations to help them design, build, and operate authentication and authorization (“AA”) systems to secure web and mobile applications using open source software.
Once again, I really appreciate the support. You and the individual contributors did more than your part. Here at Gluu we are going to do everything possible to figure out how to push this project forward.
Gluu’s open source OX platform implements the OAuth 2.0 authorization model, as specified in the OpenID Connect profile. In addition to the open source version of OX, Gluu operates an on demand cloud utility service for organizations, enabling rapid automated deployment of a network of dedicated cloud identity servers.
The Gluu Server subscription enables organizations to more easily implement single sign-on, multi-factor authentication, and web access management using open web standards and open source software.
OpenID Connect is a promising solution for long-standing federated SSO needs that were not solved by earlier more complex technologies such as SAML, partly due to its OAuth underpinnings,” writes Eve Maler in the Zero Trust ID Standards TechRadar report.
Although the OpenID Connect standard is still being finalized, what is shaping up via the hard work of many contributors including Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Gluu, is nothing short of revolutionary. What makes the case for adoption more powerful and likely is that this group of contributors, namely Google, Microsoft and Yahoo, collectively serves and provides identity to a critical mass of American consumers, and their joint support for one standard method of sso authentication will provide an overwhelming reason for website implementation.
10) All you guys Thank you for to everyone else out there who helped us by RE-TWEETing and helping to get the word out. We had more than 3000 twitter clicks on our campaign. Without your help, we couldn’t have found all the poeple out there who want
Currently, multi-party federations are only achievable via the SAML protocol,“ said Gluu CEO Michael Schwartz. “By designing multi-party federations in OpenID Connect, we are hoping to make it easier for organizations, websites, and applications to provide a simpler cloud identity experience to business people, developers and end users.
OpenID Connect sso authentication a simple JSON/REST-based interoperable identity protocol built on top of the OAuth 2.0 family of specifications. Its design philosophy is ‘make simple things simple and make complicated things possible’.
Gluu Inc. today announced that its’ Founder and CEO, Michael Schwartz, has been approved for an individual session at this year’s RSA Conference Europe 2012 in the United Kingdom. With the upcoming release of OpenID Connect 1.0, Schwartz will provide documentation and explanations for how the newest version of Federated Sso will standardize “Social Login” on the Internet.
Schwartz will look to provide his audience with a history of identity federation, an overview of OpenID Connect, an analysis of the options available to adopt the technology, and questions about challenges that remain for organizations to share identity data on the Internet, including the rise of personal data stores and vendor relationship management.
“Gluu is excited to be a member of the OpenID Foundation,” said Gluu CEO Michael Schwartz. “The new OpenID Connect standard under development will provide a ubiquitous identity layer on the Internet. It will enable not just single sign-on to websites, but new possibilities in open social networking.”
There is plenty of client code out there to utilize an OpenID Connect OP: if you can’t find a specific library for OpenID Connect, just use the OAuth2 client library for your platform, and start with the Google workflow, and you’ll have to make some minor adjustments.
Plaxo Pulse: an open social network ... let everyone who has social networking data, from general purpose friending ... Social networks still mainly walled gardens ...
Through the use of federated identity with open standards like SAML, universities can enable their university-issued credentials to provide access to valuable third-party content, like email and course material.
Gluu announced its sponsorship of the 2014 Cloud Identity Summit in Vail, Colorado. From July 16-19, leading identity experts will take stage to present and discuss the latest research in cloud identity and security.
OpenID OAuth 'hybrid' login to Plaxo. Also requests name, email, etc. via AX ... with Facebook Connect. Ending 're-friend madness': How does it work? ...
On Tuesday, November 19th, Gluu CEO Mike Schwartz delivered the opening IDentityNext 2013 keynote address to industry peers about the importance of the emerging OAuth2 profiles OpenID Connect and UMA for digital authentication and authorization.
The UMA and OpenID Connect frameworks offer OAuth2 profiles for security that are IOT-ready. There are several options for client and person authentication and authorization.
No, in conjunction with OpenID Connect (which provides an OAuth2 profile for authentication), the UMA profile of OAuth2 can also be used to centralize authorization within a domain or federation.
There is no license fee for passwords. It may sound silly, but businesses are simply not used to the idea that they need to pay for authentication. Also, the idea that passwords are “dead” is crazy. Companies already manage passwords for people.
Gluu provides an open source authentication and authorization platform for organizations who want to leverage open standards such as OpenID Connect, SAML 2.0, and UMA to enable strong authentication, single sign-on (SSO), and access management.
With the backing of major consumer identity providers like Google, Facebook and Microsoft. websites will gravitate towards OpenID Connect, which is also the clear front-runner by industry analysts like Forrester. Eve Maler’s “Zero Trust Identity Standards Q3 2012″ puts OpenID Connect on the “Significant Success” trajectory, heading for adoption perhaps as high as Kerberos, X.509 and LDAP.
Gluu provides an open source authentication and authorization platform for organizations who want to leverage open standards such as OpenID Connect, SAML 2.0, and UMA to enable strong authentication, single sign-on (SSO), and access management.
OX is an open source server that provides endpoints for the OpenID Connect and UMA profiles of OAuth2. It also provides a policy administration point to enable admins to manage trust with other domains.
OpenID Connect 1.0 is a profile of OAUTH 2.0, an IETF Internet Draft. The OpenID Foundation Members include Google, Microsoft and Yahoo. This group collectively serves a critical mass of American consumers, and if they support one method of authentication, there will be an overwhelming advantage for web sites to adopt it.
OpenID Connect documents a single profile of OAuth2 that can be used by any Internet domain. One standard for domain authentication will simplify security for application developers (web and mobile), make end users more secure, and enable easier integration of mobile devices and cloud agents.
The Gluu Server Community Edition will include OAuth2 authentication and authorization API’s using the OpenID Connect and UMA profiles respectively. It also includes an easy to use Web-based administration console to enable system administrators to manage what information is being released to third parties.
Gluu an Austin-TX based company founded in 2009, is the business behind OX, a leading open source cloud identity platform. The OX platform enables an organization and its people to control access to cloud applications and API’s using open standards such as OAuth2, OpenID Connect, and SAML.
The fifth OpenID Connect Interop is going on right now, and Gluu’s server is expected to have an equally strong showing. Current results compare favorably with other participants. The OX project provides a much needed administrative interface for the Shibboleth Identity Provider (“IDP”), which Gluu uses as part of its identity stack to provide SAML federation capabilities.
Gluu, a leading provider of open source enterprise authorization and authentication systems, announced today that it has named Falcon System Consulting, a development vendor of authentication security software, an exclusive delivery partner in Japan and South Korea. The partnership will enable Falcon to offer Gluu’s comprehensive open source OAuth 2.0 and SAML IDP to Japanese and Korean organizations looking to upgrade their authentication and authorization infrastructure to be interoperable with new open web standards, such as OpenID Connect and UMA, that will alter and enhance how organizations offer single sign-on (SSO), two-factor authentication (2FA), and web access management (WAM) to employees, partners, customers and others.
The OIC is focused on delivering specifications, open source software, and an IoT certification program for connected devices. OIC membership continues to grow with 32 current member companies committed to defining open standards for the IoT.
In a world with lots of socially-aware sites... ...and lots ... Create a portable, durable online identity. OpenID. Sign up / sign in with an existing account ...
In a world with lots of socially-aware sites... Site fetches OpenID URL looks for X-XRDS-Location. Site parses XRDS-Simple doc to discover available APIs ...
Professor David de Roure, School of Electronics ... Gopher. P2P. The Web. The PC. Windows. MacOS. SWRL. OpenID. BBS. MMO's. VR. Semantic Web. Intelligent Web ...
Toshiba’s new Cloud TV takes the connected experience to the next level by offering easy, personalized content discovery and acquisition, including news content; better mobile device interactivity; practical social interaction services, server-based upgradability and much more.
In the future, we may see complimentary cas single sign on specifications to add session management alternatives. One idea is for the OpenID Provider (“OP”) to return the logout URLs to the browser, which could then notify the back-end servers that a logout has occurred.
The newest version of code includes new features that enable an organization to publish invitation codes to restrict or organize public registrations. It also enables a person to use a social or mobile identity as their preferred user credentials, or even to use SAML to connect to an enterprise identity service like Microsoft Federated Sso.
Licitaci n de pliegos, donde los proveedores est n ... El consumidor una vez autorizado procede a realizar el intercambio del ... PHP Python Java Integraci n ...
The goal of the recurring Gluu EDU webinar, hosted every other Friday at 2:00pm EST, is to educate university IT staff on the benefits of using Gluu’s cloud identity service to remove much of the complexity associated with launching and managing an organizational SAML IdP using Shibboleth software.
Gluu helps organizations design, build, and operate authentication and authorization (“AA”) systems to secure web and mobile applications using open source software. Gluu leverages open standards such as OAuth 2.0, SAML, and RADIUS to enable organizational strong authentication, single sign-on (SSO), and web access management (WAM).
This talk will provide a history of access management and a deep dive into the concepts, patterns, and tools to enable mobile and API developers to put new OAuth2 standards to use today. It will provide specific examples and workflows to bring OAuth2 to life to help organizations understand how they can hook into the API economy.
“The imminent completion of the XDI 1.0 standard represents the culmination of years of hard work by the OASIS XDI Technical Committee. All of us at Gluu are grateful for the opportunity to bring this vision to life in code,” said Michael Schwartz, Founder / CEO of Gluu. “Today, privacy on the Internet is broken.
LoginRadius' Federated Identity Management feature is designed to simplify the implementation of Federated SSO, so consumers now do not need to create multiple accounts for multiple organisations to access their web applications.
Gluu’s open source authorization and authentication platform, OX, will enable the next generation of Toshiba Cloud TV Services to authenticate consumers and integrate with popular Internet apps.