With less than a fortnight for April 1st, H-1B is the most concerned topic of discussion for the employers filing H-1B. The new regulations and restrictions in the H-1B process usually add up more confusion among the beneficiaries and the petitioners. However, this latest announcement about H-1B premium processing throws some light upon the process. Read the blog to know more: https://blogs.onblick.com/h1b-premium-processing-updates/
H-1B, the US gateway can now be an unattainable goal for the America aspirers. The past few years have seen many H1B visa changes and restrictions, making the American dream impossible for the non-immigrants. To read this as a blog and for more information on Immigration & HR compliance, visit us:http://bit.ly/h1bvisachangesblog
There is so much hustle and bustle about the latest reforms in the H1B visa process. Many petitioners are still unaware of these reforms and their implementation in this cap season. Here is a clear explanation of the latest reforms in the H1B visa process and their impact on the non-immigrants
The Cap season is here! Are you busy filing H-1B petitions? Be careful! A small mistake in filing the petition may lead to an RFE. Here are the top 10 reasons as per the USCIS for issuing an RFE in the FY 2018. These will guide you in filing the petitions and help you in avoiding getting an RFE.