Title: Slide 1 Author: cscaffid Last modified by: cscaffid Created Date: 8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles
gerund. RELATIONSHIP DEGREE. Unary 1. Binary 2. Ternary 3. RELATIONSHIP CARDINALITY ... A company has a number of employees. The attribute of EMPLOYEE include ...
UML Notations in CommonKADS Activity diagrams State diagrams Class diagrams Use-case diagrams Background UML Nineties: number of popular object-oriented methods ...
state transition networks, JSD diagrams, flow charts. Textual ... arc labels a bit cramped because: notation is `state heavy. the events require most detail ...
arc labels a bit cramped because: notation is `state heavy. the events require most detail ... condition based on state or pending events. every rule always ...
UML Notations in CommonKADS Activity diagrams State diagrams Class diagrams Use-case diagrams Background UML Nineties: number of popular object-oriented methods ...
Chapter 5 Complexity Notations and Series Sum 5.2 Upper/Lower Bound Notations. 5.3 Squeeze Method for Approximate Series Sum. 5.4 Perturbation/Induction Method for ...
on state entry = action on all ... set or list of strings. UML notations. 30 ... 50. A small case study. Course administration system (CAS) Context: ...
Dialogue Notations and Design. Dialogue Notations. Diagrammatic ... Arc labels a bit cramped because: notation is `state heavy the events require most detail ...
Colored areas are designated as being 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 (4 is the worst) ... OX yields oxygen to support combustion. ... Possess radioactive hazards. OX ...
Data Flow Diagram Notations Dataflow Dataflows are pipelines through which packets of information flow. Label the arrows with the name of the data that moves through it.
More than a number ! Core principles focus on protection of workers ... Guinea pig maximization test. Murine local lymph node assay. Mouse ear swelling test ...
Aims to address the lack of standardisation in notation and process among the ... Zoo, Animal, Bird, Mammal, Reptile, Cage, Keeper (class exercise) ...
Enabling fast prototyping, and automation of program codes generation ... Authentication. Trial Manager. Analysis. Data Set Manager. 6. Create preprint ...
Designer are in danger of being Seduced by the Now' So be as vague as possible to allow ... E.g. Network Address Translation. IPv4: Machine IP a 32 bit number ...
Normative Principles: Idea, Verbal, Notational Planes ... There are two basic structures in classificatory hierarchies ... Dicotyledon. Seminar Series ...
State diagrams: behaviour of individual objects/components ... Component diagrams show how physical units such as files, executables, etc. are related ...
tuniSigner: An avatar-based system to interpret SignWriting notations Yosra Bouzid & Mohamed Jemni Research Laboratory LaTICE, University of Tunis, Tunisia
Lexical level: device dependencies, shape of icons, the actual keys ... Are there no impasse? Can be automated. Reversability. Can we go back to the previous state(s) ...
In matrix terms, a class C is ergodic if the partial row sum ... A single absorbing state is an ergodic class. An irreducible chain consists of a single ergodic class. ...
Incidence of Homonym: --One and the same term is often used with two or more meanings ... Canon of Homonym ... Canon of Homonym. What it means? Each class ...
Cut out the article. Then cut out each of the words that make up this ... Cut out the eye from a photograph of one who has been loved but is not seen anymore. ...
Harmony: An Approach and Tool for Combining Semi-formal and Formal Notations in Software Specification CS 791z Topics on Software Engineering Instructor s Research
'As with infrastructure in general, it functions best when it is taken for ... years ago inscriptions to record physical quantities (tokens, tallies, symbols) ...
2-9 Scientific Notation Vocabulary-Scientific Notation- is a shorthand way of writing such numbers. Translating Scientific Notations to Standard Notations 8.98733 x ...
Set of sixteen digit-symbols: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F. Position-values are powers of sixteen: 160 = 1, 161 ... Notations conform to C language syntax ...
Score. Music Printer Plus. Encore. Notation input devices. Midi keyboard. Computer keyboard ... 18 & 19 from 'Experiencing Music Technology' by Williams and ...
Uses the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and the Graphical Modeling Framework (GEF) ... Calculate the Total Contribution value (TCON): If (TCON = 100): TCON = 99 ...
Break the problem into several subproblems that are similar to the original ... 2 q = ceil((p r)/2) 3 MERGE-SORT-RUN(A,p,q) 4 MERGE-SORT-RUN(A,q 1,r) 5 MERGE(A,p,q,r) ...
Keywords and Adjectives ... Adjectives are keywords that precede the ... (Also shown above are negated boolean adjective, and contained instances) ad/2002-04-11 ...
Representing Bags in Z. Records the name of the element and how many times it occurs in the bag. ... B1,B2 :bag X; x:X. count (B1 U B2 ) x = count B1 x count B2 x ...
We will use EBNF to describe the syntax of Java. ... Which Syntax chart for integer is simpler? ... RHS of an EBNF rule into its equivalent syntax chart. ...
Companies need to constantly adjust their business models to ... However, URN is also applicable to BPM. Weiss, Amyot: Business Process Modeling with URN. ...
'We must organize computations in such a way that our limited powers are ... Blow it off until something's due. B. C. D/F. CS160 Prefix and Infix Notation S.Preuitt ...
Expressed using only the highest-order term in the expression ... f(n) and g(n) are nonnegative, for large n. Comp 122. asymp - 5. Example. 10n2 - 3n = Q(n2) ...
Expressed using only the highest-order term in the expression for the exact running time. ... a set of functions; in practice used to compare two function sizes. ...
9/15/09. 3. Use of Exception ... Indicate the significance of a valid result or the environment under which it was obtained ... and their exceptions. 9/15/09. 7 ...
EBNF: A Notation for Describing Syntax n Languages and Syntax n EBNF Descriptions and Rules n More Examples of EBNF n Syntax and Semantics n EBNF Description of Sets
... The compiler translate any CAL program into C code The generated C code can be plugged into larger programs The front end consists of Lexer.java and translator.java The ...
return y INSET is. end. C code for Example 02. boolean exam(int x, int y) int n; ... NULL INSET OUTPUT UNION. INPUT INTERSECTION. CAL Program Structure ...
'Use of OOM and UML to define Signalling Requirements' 2 ... Story line. About myself and SG11. 2 Why OO-Modelling & UML. OO-Analysis & -Design (OOA/D) ...