Epidermis thickened to house nerve cords and excretory canals. Obliquely striated longitudinal muscles. How do nematodes support themselves and move? ...
Nematodes as Pathogens Characteristics Brief History Nematodes as Parasites Importance Form and Function General Disease Cycle of Plant Parasitic Nematode
Smaller Ecdysozoans Chapter 18 Phylum Tardigrada They share many characteristics with arthropods. But legs are unjointed. Non-chitinous cuticle that is molted.
Are a group composed of several phyla which share similar characters but are ... protonephrida are absent but a tube is present w/midventral pore. for exiting waste. ...
Licenciatura en Hidrobiolog a Unidad Ense anza Aprendizaje: BIOLOG A DE LOS ORGANISMOS BENTONICOS II (ZOOBENTOS) TEMARIO Biol. Jos Alejandro Gamboa Contreras
Radiata Phylum Cnidaria Phylum Ctenophora * CERIANT RIOS An monas-tubo Tubo de pticocistos (um tipo de cnidocisto) Tent culos labiais e marginais Coluna bem ...