Hotel Mamalla Heritage, the best budget friendly hotel in Mahabalipuram offers a wide variety of accommodations to make sure that your stay in Mahabalipuram is pleasant and memorable. Visit
Experience Mahabalipuram and get to know the culture and heritage of the various historical sites. Come and have a relaxing and mesmerising holiday in Mahabalipuram. Hotel Mamalla Heritage provides top-notch accommodation in Mahabalipuram.
Mamallapuram, a world heritage site, is important place in the art history of India. Its temples and sculptures are not only some of the earliest in this region, but also significant in variety and elegance. This is the only place where you can find all the three styles of temples, namely, cave shrines, single-stone temples and structural temples. Open-air bas-relief is a product of creative Pallava mind cannot be seen anywhere else. There a number of architectural and sculptural objects which are seen in Mamallapuram and no where else. All these make this place a museum of temple architecture and sculpture.
Here are the best tourist spots in Mahabalipuram, you need not to miss and enjoy the view of beach by staying in Hotels Near Mahabalipuram, for more details visit:
Hinduism Dravidian (South) and Nagara (North) Styles Hinduism Polytheistic religion (worship many gods and goddesses) Goal is to achieve moksa--by praying ...
Examples of the treatment of religion being used as a form of escapism (whole of ... Overall Concerns of the 3 Poems. Finding our own individual space (Home) ...