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Unarguably the best and foremost Indian writers in English novels, Mr Rishabh Puri’s novels are the reasons why common Indians developed an interest in English stories. Best known for “Inside the Heart of Hope”, He has written two books including “Flying without wings. He is a name which you will find on any list of “Best Indian Authors”.
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Top 10 romantic novels by Indian authors: We Indians are born romantics. Blame all those rain melodies or the larger-than-life movies of Shahrukh Khan or maybe the magnificent Taj Mahal. Indian novels have a huge following well; we can acknowledge our own people for it! And though the writers do take sure liberties with the English language, they are typically well written. Furthermore, they provide an insight into the lives of people from various parts of India.
Some of the Best Selling Romantic Novels in India by Indian authors are main mush works. But there is something about love stories that attracts us, it is maybe the lovey-dovey words or the sweet charm or the characters or the plot. In recent times, Indian literary act has seen its own share of some amazing dreamy novels. There have been some good romantic novels by Indian authors, and then there are some that are completely the best. We present to you the Best Selling Romantic Novels in India by Indian authors.
That is why he wrote his first book, Inside the Heart of Hope, and it is also the message of his second and forthcoming novel, Flying Without Wings Famous Novels of Indian Authors in English. Not only does the process of writing free me from the sufferings in his daily life and helps me align myself on the path of joy, but it allows me to reach people he might not otherwise speak to. His message to all such people is — Hope is within you. Joy is possible, no matter what your circumstances. Choose them, whenever you can. Purchase the Famous Novels of Indian Authors in English of Rishabh Puri.
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