If cleaning your home is something that fills you with dread, or your hectic schedule simply doesn’t allow you ample time to keep on top of the cleaning, then it might be time that you sought a little help. Home cleaning services are a godsend for many modern Americans, and their popularity has risen as lifestyles grow more and more demanding.
Moving home is often claimed to be one of the most stressful events a person can go through in their life. Whether this is true for you, is of course entirely subjective, but most cannot deny that there are at least elements of stress involved when moving into a new home.
We deliver happiness through home cleaning and other home and lifestyle services. We offer simple flat pricing based on the size of the home given the number of bedrooms and square footage. Unfortunately, at this time we don’t do any partial cleanings. Please note, a “Deep Clean” is required for the first cleaning.
For many, cleaning services are viewed as anything but essential; something only the very wealthy, famous or lazy would spend their money on. But the reality is really quite different.
Whether you want to keep your home spotlessly clean all of the time, or your business, the best way to achieve it is with regular cleaning, but if you hire a professional cleaning company, a weekly visit might not be enough. Fortunately, most cleaning companies offer bi-weekly services, meaning that you can keep your home or business as clean as it can possibly be, every day of the week. Here are 4 great reasons to start enjoying a cleaner home or business, all of the time, with a bi-weekly cleaning service:
For as long back as historians care to remember, women either employed a maid, or they were one, and both roles gave a clear definition of their standing within society. Maids or servants, often lived in the home in which they worked and were responsible for a wide range of tasks, from cooking and cleaning to childcare.
Hate cleaning? Join the club! However, unless you’re fortunate enough (and wise enough!) to already be using the services of a professional cleaning company (or have a really busy household and need help in between their visits), you’ll need to do some cleaning to prevent your home from becoming a health hazard, and with these 7 simple tips, you could get the job done in half the time:
If you value your health and relish the thought of a clean home that won’t trigger allergic reactions in you or guests, then you really should keep it as clean as possible. If it’s too much effort or you don’t have the time to do it yourself, then simply use the services of a professional cleaning company.
With modern lives becoming increasingly busier, allowing for less time for such activities as cleaning and tidying, we have all had to learn to adapt and devise new ways of getting important tasks completed efficiently. With more and more of us working to support ourselves, less time is available for housework, and for those who don’t employ a cleaner or use the services of a cleaning company, finding the time to keep a clean home is a constant battle. However, with these simple tips and methods, cleaning your bathroom and the floors in your home need not take a lifetime:
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For anyone with a property that they rent out to paying guests on vacation, this can be a profitable business venture or side hustle, but it doesn’t come without its responsibilities.
With a little bit of organization, and just a pinch more dedication, you can get your home spotless, and keep it that way! Sound too good to be true? It doesn’t have to be.
Oftentimes, unless your pets are furless (and some breeds are!) no matter how often you clean your home, or even if you have a daily home cleaning service, you’ll never be able to stop some pet hair from invading your home. However, there are a number of simple things you can do to keep it to a bare minimum, and some of them are listed below:
While your kids are at school, there are ample opportunities for them to pick up germs and bring them home with them, and in light of the ongoing COVID-19 health pandemic, more and more focus has shifted to disinfecting potentially contaminated items.
As silly as it may sound, many of us beat ourselves up over not being able to keep our homes as clean as our friends and neighbours, even when we have a perfectly valid reason for not doing so. Human nature is often competitive, and when we see others doing things that we think we should be doing but are unable to do so – for whatever reason – we reprimand ourselves and look for reasons to excuse our behaviour.
Cleaning can be a real bore, and while there are some of us who enjoy it and find satisfaction in getting knee deep in dirt and grime, most of us hate it and look for ways to make it easier, or eliminate the need for it altogether! Hiring a professional cleaning company is the simplest way of eliminating cleaning from your schedule, but if this isn’t an option for you, you could try some of these thrifty cleaning tips to make the job that bit easier and more time and cost effective:
The home should be the one place that provides us with safety and relief from allergies, yet it is often the place that causes or exacerbates allergies such as asthma and hay fever. The interiors of our homes can provide a perfect environment for allergens, the agents that go on to cause allergies, where they become trapped and difficult to avoid.
Some days even just the thought of cleaning can make us want to take to our beds, but let’s face it, cleaning is a part of life and a necessity for most, so what can you do to motivate yourself when cleaning couldn’t be further from your agenda?
Now, more than ever, you want your home to be smelling as fresh as possible. With pets and people staying inside more than ever before, your home can quickly play host to a wide range of unpleasant odours, but thankfully, eliminating them is easy, and here are some tips:
Unexpected guests can send you into a panic; you haven’t had time to clean all week and the house is a mess! However, unexpected guests usually give at least a couple of hours’ notice, and fortunately, that’s all the time you need to carry out a last-minute messy home makeover, and here’s how:
Cleaning our homes can be a task that many of us certainly don’t relish, but when there is clutter everywhere, the task is made even harder, and takes even longer to complete. Common sense should tell us that the less items there are to clean or clean around, then the quicker and easier cleaning our homes would be. However, since clutter can mean different things to different people, it’s not always simple to know how to de-clutter the home. Should you be utterly ruthless and get rid of anything that collects dust, or should you carefully evaluate your home to try and establish what qualifies as being clutter, and what doesn’t?
You might think that only harsh chemicals are capable of effectively removing mold and mildew, but in fact, there are a number of natural methods and materials that can do the job just as well.
With Covid-19 having caused so much disruption to all our lives of late, most of us are desperate to return to some semblance of normality. What this means to each of us, will naturally depend upon our individual circumstances; whether we return to work or continue working from home, for example. But either way, many of us will have endured much fuller households for an extended period, and no matter how hard we tried to keep the place clean and tidy, having so many more children and adults under one roof for so long, has inevitably meant that dust and grime have built up in different areas of the home.
While you may be a fan of store-bought de-greasing solutions, there is little doubt that homemade ones can be just as effective (if not more so) and are generally far better for the environment and your pocket. A good cleaning solution that is brilliant for de-greasing need not contain harsh, harmful chemicals, and here is a perfect example of one mixture that is effective and affordable:
If cleaning our homes is something that we must do – and it really is, no matter how much we hate it – we might as well let it do us some good at the same time. However, there is little benefit to our health in taking a slow and laidback approach to cleaning; to burn calories, the cleaning should at least be vigorous and raise our heart rate a little.
Well, I guess it all depends on how you view the world and your place in it. For many of us, we appreciate that the environment is there for us all to protect, and that if we want a healthy planet for our kids or grandkids to grow up in, then we should all do our best not to abuse it. In our homes, we should all want to use less harsh chemicals, not only to try and protect the environment, but to keep our family’s safe, too.
Nowadays, many of us take on much more in our lives than ever before. With social and family pressures, it can often be hard to separate our working world, from our home life. This causes many individuals to try and juggle different aspects of their lives, while trying desperately hard to find some time to themselves, too.
Did you know that indoor pollutants can be far higher than those found outside, sometimes up to 100 times higher! Much of the pollutants come from home decorating and cleaning products, so finding a way to make your home clean and green, really is the best way to achieve a healthy life, healthy home and happy environment.
Getting your bathroom clean doesn’t have to mean spending hours scrubbing and bleaching, and with these handy tips, you can get the job done in a lot less time:
Now’s there no doubt that cleaning should be a regular occurrence, and there are many items and areas in the home that should be cleaned every day. However, knowing what you should be cleaning, and being organized enough to make sure it happens when it should, are two very different things!
Baking soda is one of the most useful substances in the average home, and can be used for so much more than baking. When it comes to cleaning your home, there are many ways that baking soda can safely and effectively used, such as the following:
If your kids moan and groan at the thought of having to help clean the house, especially if it involves a marathon spring cleaning session, then why not check out the following tips for getting the little ones actively involved and how to make it more fun for them:
No matter how clean you think you keep your home, sometimes it just doesn’t smell fresh, and you’re left scratching your head wondering what to do about it. While having your home regularly cleaned by a cleaning service is a great way of ensuring that dirt and bad smells are kept to a minimum, there are a few simple things you can do yourself, to guarantee a sweeter-smelling home:
Our kitchens are used so often that dirt, grease and grime can quickly build up, and keeping it clean can feel like a constant battle. The best and most effective way to keep your kitchen clean, is to clean up mess and spillages straight away, but even if you can’t manage that, here are a few tips for speed cleaning some of the most used areas or pieces of equipment in your kitchen:
Many people who suffer from depression begin to find that keeping up with everyday chores and tasks such as cleaning, becomes increasingly difficult, and they lack the motivation and energy to really care about keeping their homes and living spaces clean and tidy. Sadly, not taking care of these things, serves only to exasperate the symptoms of depression, and it becomes a vicious cycle that can be harder and harder to get out of.
Holidays are prime times for unexpected visitors to your home, and nothing can be worse than Aunty Violet calling you up out of the blue and inviting herself and her tribe over, and giving you little more than a days’ notice, yikes!
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has made us all think more about hygiene and cleanliness, especially in our own homes, but with so many opinions and so much advice out there, how do you know what really works?
The kitchen is the one room in our homes that is used the most often, and it’s also the one that can get the grimiest and smelliest, too. Because it is used so often, it can never seem like the right time to blitz it and get it properly clean, meals are always being prepared and in busy households, kids are coming and going to the fridge for snacks and refreshments etc. But there are things that you can do daily to keep it clean, without having to empty cupboards and ban anyone from entering the room!
Many of the products that we use for cleaning our homes are synthetic, and derive from many different chemicals. From dishwasher solutions, to bleach and laundry detergents, most of these will contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to both you and your home. However, there are 3 products that you may already have in your pantry, that are much safer to use, just as effective as chemical based products and are a whole lot kinder to your body and home:
In many households, dishwashers are used virtually every day, and sometimes multiple times a day. While they’re a remarkable invention that have undoubtedly made our lives easier, it’s important not to take them for granted. Dishwashers need to be able to clean the dishes properly, and so you must ensure that the machine itself is also kept clean and maintained well.
Do you struggle to come up with an innovative and useful gift for a friend or family member every time their birthday rolls around again? Are you tired of hunting high and low, looking for gift inspiration? Do you always come back empty handed? If so, then a cleaning voucher may be just the thing you’ve been looking for.
Whether you love cleaning and set aside time to do it each week (or day), or whether you despise it and try your best to avoid it, it’s hard to deny that there are probably more valuable and enjoyable things that you could be doing with that time.
Dusting. Yuk. Nobody enjoys dusting, right? However, without taking some steps to eliminate dust, it will always be there, and could even start to affect your health if left to accumulate over time.
The toilet. We can’t live without one, and we use it a lot, but keeping it clean is a task few of us relish. That said, it’s a task that we really must force ourselves to accomplish at least once a week, and more often depending on what has been going on inside it!
Nothing looks more elegant and stylish than a glass shower door – when it’s sparkling clean. However, glass shower doors are notoriously difficult to keep clean, and are often marred by streaks, spots and hardwater stains.
Cleaning is something that all of us do, whether daily, or less frequently, we all have homes to keep tidy and many chores to fulfil that make up part of that process. But when it comes to cleaning our homes, can we ever clean too much? Is there something that distinguishes a neat and tidy average person, from one who has a cleaning obsession?
Getting other members of your household involved in cleaning the home can make life a whole lot easier for everyone and can certainly lift the weight from your shoulders. Here are a few tips and tricks to get the whole family to help clean the home:
If you’re lucky enough to have a furry best friend or two sharing your home, then you’ll know all about the doggy aroma your canine companion can leave behind. Masking the smell is not the solution, although it may be the quickest in the short-term, so here are some tips for banishing the doggy aroma from your home for good:
It may sound like a bit of a cliché, that a clean home is a happy home, but I really believe that this is true; a clean home may not be all that makes a home happy, of course, but it can certainly help to make it feel happier.
For many of us, the battle against our expanding waistlines is a daily one and often, no matter what changes we make to our diet or how we try to take regular exercise, we continue to gain weight. But what if we upped the ante when doing our cleaning chores around the home and burned calories that way?
While this may sound like a bit of a trick question (I mean who likes cleaning, right?), for those suffering from a mental health disorder such as anxiety or depression, the desire to keep a clean home is simply not a priority, and can either attribute towards their negative state of mind, or be a direct result of it.
Keeping a clean and tidy home can be hard, particularly if you share it with others, have pets, work full time or are rarely there for other reasons. However, if you plan in advance and try to adopt some good habits that will help to prevent the housework from getting on top of you, you can make the whole process a lot less painful and time absorbing.
Some types of mold, such as Stachybotrys chartarum, better known as black mold, is toxic and can pose a serious health threat when found in the home. Here are some of the dangers that mold can present and how you can avoid them:
There’s nothing worse than having your entire home smelling of last nights cooking, and any guests who are visiting will be sure to pick up the smell as soon as they walk through the door. That’s not to say that what you cooked didn’t taste and smell delicious at the time, but the aroma can quickly turn stale and leave a lingering, unpleasant odour. One of the best and most effective ways of eliminating these cooking smells, is by cooking something else that has an altogether more pleasing aroma:
It should come as no surprise to know that our floors are some of the dirtiest places in our homes, and sometimes, even when we think they look clean, they can still be harbouring many dangerous germs and bacteria that can be harmful for our health. Here are a few pointers for getting your floors really clean with minimal effort: