You may think you do a good job of keeping your home hygienically clean, but could there be any areas that don’t get the attention they deserve? Or any spots you simply forget to clean during your usual routine?
We deliver happiness through home cleaning and other home and lifestyle services. We offer simple flat pricing based on the size of the home given the number of bedrooms and square footage. Unfortunately, at this time we don’t do any partial cleanings. Please note, a “Deep Clean” is required for the first cleaning.
For many, cleaning services are viewed as anything but essential; something only the very wealthy, famous or lazy would spend their money on. But the reality is really quite different.
Whether you want to keep your home spotlessly clean all of the time, or your business, the best way to achieve it is with regular cleaning, but if you hire a professional cleaning company, a weekly visit might not be enough. Fortunately, most cleaning companies offer bi-weekly services, meaning that you can keep your home or business as clean as it can possibly be, every day of the week. Here are 4 great reasons to start enjoying a cleaner home or business, all of the time, with a bi-weekly cleaning service:
Water is a primary feature of bathrooms, and to that end, they can quickly become damp environments, and perfect breeding grounds for mildew and black mold. If surfaces aren’t cleaned regularly, mildew forms and if left, soon becomes mold.
For as long back as historians care to remember, women either employed a maid, or they were one, and both roles gave a clear definition of their standing within society. Maids or servants, often lived in the home in which they worked and were responsible for a wide range of tasks, from cooking and cleaning to childcare.
Keeping your washing machine clean and well maintained will work wonders for preventing for a buildup of mold, mildew, dust, dirt and soap deposits, and don’t forget that these can be harmful not only to your laundry, but to your health, too.
While we all do our best to keep our homes clean, all too often we focus only on the bigger cleaning tasks and tend to forget about the other, smaller but no less important cleaning tasks. To make sure your home is thoroughly clean, try to focus on the following 13 things along with your other, regular tasks:
It can be easy to forget that your washer might need cleaning once in a while, and it’s often only when we notice that our laundry isn’t smelling quite as fresh as usual, that we even think about whether the washer itself, might be dirty.
Hate cleaning? Join the club! However, unless you’re fortunate enough (and wise enough!) to already be using the services of a professional cleaning company (or have a really busy household and need help in between their visits), you’ll need to do some cleaning to prevent your home from becoming a health hazard, and with these 7 simple tips, you could get the job done in half the time:
If you value your health and relish the thought of a clean home that won’t trigger allergic reactions in you or guests, then you really should keep it as clean as possible. If it’s too much effort or you don’t have the time to do it yourself, then simply use the services of a professional cleaning company.
Dust is everywhere. In our homes, at our places of work and in the atmosphere all around us, but can it be harmful to our health? The answer is a definitive yes, it can be harmful to our health in the form of an allergy known as ‘dust mite allergy’, and can cause a number of irritating and harmful reactions in sufferers.
Since a washing machine is there to wash our dirty laundry, it can be easy to forget – or not even realise – that the machine itself should be cleaned, too. However, despite the fact that we use detergents to keep our clothes clean, these can in fact build up over time inside the machine, causing a combination of soap residue and minerals to clog it up and prevent it from washing as efficiently as it should.
For modern folk, lives have become busier as the years have gone on, and as technology has developed at a rate of knots, home lives are no longer kept separate from working lives. This has led to a growing population of working people who quite simply, never stop. Not only are they working around the clock for their paid jobs, but they’re increasingly expected to take care of the many varied aspects of home life, too. For some, this leads not only to a deterioration in the quality of their lives, but to a decreased fitness and general health level, too, mainly due to the limited amount of time people can spend exercising.
With modern lives becoming increasingly busier, allowing for less time for such activities as cleaning and tidying, we have all had to learn to adapt and devise new ways of getting important tasks completed efficiently. With more and more of us working to support ourselves, less time is available for housework, and for those who don’t employ a cleaner or use the services of a cleaning company, finding the time to keep a clean home is a constant battle. However, with these simple tips and methods, cleaning your bathroom and the floors in your home need not take a lifetime:
As well as looking downright unsightly, hard water staining can tarnish glass and other items in your home, and cause permanent damage. The glass often becomes discolored, and unless the issue is tackled early on, it can prove impossible to remove. Unfortunately, hard water (water that has a high mineral content) is very common in certain areas of the country, and for a lot of homeowners, it’s difficult to avoid the staining that comes with it. However – as with many types of stains – treating it before it spreads is advisable.
As well as looking downright unsightly, hard water staining can tarnish glass and other items in your home, and cause permanent damage. The glass often becomes discolored, and unless the issue is tackled early on, it can prove impossible to remove. Unfortunately, hard water (water that has a high mineral content) is very common in certain areas of the country, and for a lot of homeowners, it’s difficult to avoid the staining that comes with it. However – as with many types of stains – treating it before it spreads is advisable.
You’d be surprised at just how quickly mold can accumulate in a refrigerator, even if you make an effort to keep it clean. However, while it might be common, mold is always unwelcome, and here are 6 tips for making sure your refrigerator doesn’t play host to any potentially dangerous contaminants and furry green or black things!
For anyone with a property that they rent out to paying guests on vacation, this can be a profitable business venture or side hustle, but it doesn’t come without its responsibilities.
Just because a certain eco-friendly substance is an effective cleaner for use around the home, doesn’t mean that it can be automatically be mixed with another substance that shares similar properties, or any other cleaning solution, chemical or otherwise; in fact, some combinations can be downright hazardous.
Drains becoming blocked is an extremely common but often smelly and inconvenient problem for many households, and while we often turn to chemicals to fix the problem, this isn’t great for us, or the environment.
Airborne allergens are difficult to eliminate inside any home, and if you suffer from asthma, Hayfever or experience any breathing issues, they can quickly and easily aggravate your symptoms.
Keeping a clean and healthy home is necessary if we’re to keep ourselves clean and healthy, too, but with harsh chemicals often used, could we be doing more harm than good to ourselves and the environment?
No matter how clean you think you keep your home, sometimes it just doesn’t smell fresh, and you’re left scratching your head wondering what to do about it. While having your home regularly cleaned by a cleaning service is a great way of ensuring that dirt and bad smells are kept to a minimum, there are a few simple things you can do yourself, to guarantee a sweeter-smelling home:
Keeping a clean and healthy home is necessary if we’re to keep ourselves clean and healthy, too, but with harsh chemicals often used, could we be doing more harm than good to ourselves and the environment?
Stainless steel appliances are incredibly popular thanks to their heat, rust and damage resistant qualities, and when they’re cleaned properly and maintained well, they can look great sitting on a kitchen countertop. When they become grubby, stained and covered in smears and fingerprints, however, nothing can let a kitchen down more.
With a little bit of organization, and just a pinch more dedication, you can get your home spotless, and keep it that way! Sound too good to be true? It doesn’t have to be.
While some parents choose to wait until their kids are older to get them involved with household chores, others prefer to start them young. Whatever your preference, here are some ideas for appropriate chores that your kids can help you with, whatever their age:
Sometimes, even the tamest of parties can create the biggest of messes, and whatever your reason for hosting a party at your home, these tips can help you clean the place up in next to no time:
Oftentimes, unless your pets are furless (and some breeds are!) no matter how often you clean your home, or even if you have a daily home cleaning service, you’ll never be able to stop some pet hair from invading your home. However, there are a number of simple things you can do to keep it to a bare minimum, and some of them are listed below:
Nothing ruins a beautiful view through a window or reflection in a mirror, than streaks and stains. And nothing looks dirtier and more unhygienic than a glass cooktop covered in smears.
While your kids are at school, there are ample opportunities for them to pick up germs and bring them home with them, and in light of the ongoing COVID-19 health pandemic, more and more focus has shifted to disinfecting potentially contaminated items.
It’s often just as important to care for your home as it is to care for yourself, and fortunately, there are ways to keep your home clean and tidy that can benefit your physical and mental well being, too.
Most of us, irrespective of how much we love or hate to clean our home, have a number of cleaning products that we regularly use and rely on. Whether they’re store bought items or things that we find in our kitchen pantry, we use them because they’re effective, and ideally, cost effective.
Aside from placing an open tub of baking soda in the fridge to absorb offensive odors, there are plenty of other ways to use this wonderful little product to your advantage around the home:
It’s common courtesy for most of us to clean our homes before the new owners move in, and even if we’re not obliged to, we still do it so that they can move their furniture and other items straight in. After all, if the shoe were on the other foot, we’d want the same from our new home.
In many households, dishwashers are used virtually every day, and sometimes multiple times a day. While they’re a remarkable invention that have undoubtedly made our lives easier, it’s important not to take them for granted. Dishwashers need to be able to clean the dishes properly, and so you must ensure that the machine itself is also kept clean and maintained well.
Dusting. Yuk. Nobody enjoys dusting, right? However, without taking some steps to eliminate dust, it will always be there, and could even start to affect your health if left to accumulate over time.
Fortunately, getting your grubby oven spotlessly clean doesn’t have to involve the use of harsh chemicals that are both bad for our health, and that of the environment, and are inexpensive, too.
There’s nothing like the relaxing sensation of immersing yourself in a hot, steamy, bubbly tub, especially after a hard day at work, or if the kids have driven you crazy! However, bathtubs are notorious for attracting dirt and grime, mold, and filth, along with lasting stains created by hard water and rust.
There’s nothing more attractive in a home than a beautiful, clean tiled floor, but when dirty, stained grouting becomes a problem, it can quickly spoil the look of it.
If cleaning your kitchen is a mammoth task that you’d rather not face each day, week or month, then try hiring a professional cleaning company to come in and take care of it for you. If you prefer to clean your kitchen yourself, the following six tips are a great place to start:
Baking soda is one of the most useful substances in the average home, and can be used for so much more than baking. When it comes to cleaning your home, there are many ways that baking soda can safely and effectively used, such as the following:
Spring has well and truly sprung and it’s time to dig out the dusters and unveil the vacuum cleaner! Don an old set of clothes, gather together your cleaning materials and get ready to clean with these top tips for spring cleaning:
Ovens can be a real drag to clean, but leave them dirty, and soon whatever you cook in it will taste tainted, not to mention the fact that the oven will be a real eyesore in your kitchen.
Clean tools really are the key to a clean home, and if you don’t clean your tools regularly, you could be making your home dirtier, not cleaner! To help you clean your home more effectively and hygienically, here are some simple tips for keeping your tools clean:
With a simple and cost effective solution of one part white vinegar to two parts water (combined in a spray bottle), you can easily get your windows sparkling clean from the inside out, just by following the tips below:
You might think that only harsh chemicals are capable of effectively removing mold and mildew, but in fact, there are a number of natural methods and materials that can do the job just as well.
While you may be a fan of store-bought de-greasing solutions, there is little doubt that homemade ones can be just as effective (if not more so) and are generally far better for the environment and your pocket. A good cleaning solution that is brilliant for de-greasing need not contain harsh, harmful chemicals, and here is a perfect example of one mixture that is effective and affordable:
If your oven has a self-clean feature, then this may be enough to keep it spotless and smelling fresh most of the time, but if it doesn’t, then you may need the following tips to rescue it from the grip of grease, grime and leftover food debris.
Getting your bathroom clean doesn’t have to mean spending hours scrubbing and bleaching, and with these handy tips, you can get the job done in a lot less time:
Unexpected guests can send you into a panic; you haven’t had time to clean all week and the house is a mess! However, unexpected guests usually give at least a couple of hours’ notice, and fortunately, that’s all the time you need to carry out a last-minute messy home makeover, and here’s how: