When an individual suffers injuries from accidents (car accident, truck accident, bike accident, slip, and fall accidents) or from defective products, that individual has the right to seek compensation for a personal injury. If you are approached by insurance adjusters, you should call your attorney right away. If you do not have one, consult with personal injury attorneys in Los Angeles at JML Law immediately and seek their legal advice.
The Rose Parade is California’s most popular destination on New Year’s Day, as the event attracts tens of millions of people from Pasadena, Los Angeles, and the rest of the state and country each year. Aside from other law violations applicable to your particular case, premises liability laws may also apply, allowing you to hold the Rose Parade organizers and the city of Pasadena liable for being negligent and failing to ensure a safe environment for all visitors. consult Los Angeles personal injury lawyers at JML Law today to investigate your case.