The back of the top of the cavea seen from the direction of the baths at Leptis Magna ... Wall paintings at the Hunting (private) baths the source of the name ...
THE THEATRE AT LEPCIS ... MAJOR PARTS OF A ROMAN THEATRE scaena scaenae frons pulpitum proscaenium vomitoria cavea orchestra stage building front of the ...
Theatre at Leptis Magna AD 1-2 Background information Leptis Magna is located on the coast of Tripolitania, North Africa. The city was established in the time of ...
Ancient Rome Early Western Civilization Chapter Three Etruscan Civilization The Etruscans The Etruscans were a group of people who were from northern Italy.
Hadrian s Baths at Lepcis Magna Let s go Swimming! AD 126-127 How appropriate is this powerpoint background?!! But first, questions .hmmm Think of all the ...