Title: Pastor Larryyou will
1- Pastor Larryyou will
- not believe what just
- happened to me!
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3- The Bible is full of pictures of Christ in the
Old Testament that are crystal clear! - These portraits of Jesus in the O.T. are
called TYPES.
4Examples of O.T. Types
- Abraham offering Isaac
- Coats of skin put around Adam Eve
- Water from the Rock
- Manna in the wilderness
- Passover Lamb
- Ruth Kinsman Redeemer (Nov. 30)
5Silhouettes of the Savior
- Leviticus 16
7Leviticus 16 7-8
Then he is to take the two goats and present them
before the LORD at the entrance to the Tent of
Meeting. He is to cast lots for the two
goatsone lot for the LORD and the other for the
8Leviticus 16 9-10
Aaron shall bring the goat whose lot falls to the
LORD and sacrifice it for a sin offering. But
the goat chosen by lot as the scapegoat shall be
presented alive before the LORD to be used for
making atonement by sending it into the desert as
a scapegoat.
9- God provided a portable house of worship in the
Wilderness called the Tabernacle.
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12- Once a year, on the Day of Atonement, the
High Priest brought 2 goats to the Tabernacle
as offerings for the sins of the people.
13Both of these goats are a type of Christ, even
though Satan is symbolized by a goat in the Bible.
14The Two Goats
The first goat is sacrificed to God in at the
altar in the Tabernacle. The second goat is
bound and sent away to die in the desert.
15Azazel is another name for Satan. However, it
is important to note that the goat was not Satan.
The goat was sent to Satan to die as a
17- The Scapegoat was like Christ in that
- it was.
- Sent away
- Sin Substitute
- Isolated
- Forsaken
- Turned over to Satan
- Sent to die
18- PSALM 22
- pictures Christ as the Scapegoat.
19- Forsaken - Psalm 221
- Verbally abused - Psalm 226-7
- Ridiculed - Psalm 228
- Surrounded by enemies - Psalm 2212
- Weak - Psalm 2214-15
- Thirsty - Psalm 2215
- Hands and feet pierced - Psalm 2216
- Lots cast for His clothing - Psalm 2218
20- Jesus became the SCAPEGOAT for your sin as He
hung upon that Old Rugged Cross.
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