A GEOSCIENCE-BASED DIGITAL MAPPING APPROACH FOR MSL LANDING-SITE SELECTION ... Astrogeology Team, U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ 86001 (ktanaka@usgs.gov) ...
Mars Exploration Rover ... http://webgis.wr.usgs.gov/mer Operation of rovers requires that MER-A be separated by ~37 from MER-B Both MERs must land below the ...
3/02 Project/Science Team Review. Based on Science and Safety. 3 ... Public Relations Criteria. Based on Community Consensus. Input to Project and Science Team ...
... Meridiani from the outset: haematite chondrules, sedimentary rocks with ... with 2-5 times high S & Cl concentrations than interior, crystalline haematite. ...
Black area is topography 2.0 km. Lines at 50 , 60 latitude ... Day 3 - Friday. What's Next? (MRO/Maps) Summary Discussion. Break. Discussion and Prioritization ...
Now we'll look at the bulk properties of our other planetary ... a lot of the mineral hematite which can form in various ways but usually requires water. ...