George Group Of Colleges offers the best laboratory technician course in Kolkata. Join now:
The Lab Technician Course at is a course involving the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of different diseases through clinical lab tests. The course will help students in understanding the right way of detecting, diagnosing and treating diseases.
Irm kolkata also comprises highly trained counselors, nurses, laboratory technicians, and a compassionate and knowledgeable administrative team to serve the patients. To enhance performance and service to patients and community, center undertakes research, education and various training programs in collaboration with other dedicated scientific institutions, such as IICB (Jadavpur), ISMST (IIT, Kharagpur) and CCMB (Hyderabad).
Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute, ranked among the top health sciences universities in India, had its origin as Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute which was established by Sri Ramachandra Educational and Health Trust in the year 1985 as a private not-for-profit self-financing institution and dedicated to serve the society as a centre of excellence with emphasis on medical education, research and health care.
Applications of Science and Technology have multiplied in recent ... Mango. Amla. Uttar Pradesh is an agrarian State Strength lies in its agriculture base ...
Describes Indian Council of Medical Research, ICMR Institutes, importance of IT in health care, Health Information System and Mobile based Surveillance Quest using IT. For more information visit: