With a quick Google search you can find various cleaning methods, some people prefer to remove Kaloud balls with a sander because they say it helps a lot when cleaning and really helps. The step by step I’ll pass to you is what I use, in case my kaloud still has the balls, so it’s not always 100%.
Antropomotorika PhDr.Radek Vobr, Ph.D. 8. Mo nosti stanoven biologick ho v ku * 8 Ways to Determine Biological Age * Anthropomotorics PhDr.Radek Vobr, Ph.D. 8.
One of the greatest addition to your Apple on Top hookah bowl, is without a doubt the Provost heat management controller. This add-on has the same benefits as the Kaloud Lotus, but instead of trying to make it fit on your AOT bowl, the Provost fits the anodized aluminum rim perfectly.