Yami Gautam the most beautiful actress in B-Town is all set to rock the Bollywood with her new release "Kaabil" . Her birthday is coming this upcoming week so on her birthday special, let’s have a look on her some mind-blowing looks which gives you the inspiration to wear women clothing in an elegant way!!
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An online aggregation of happy times, Leisure Martini packages great reads on topics like movies, music, musing, books, legends, relationships, food, fine living, travel and more. At present, we are a virtual group rapidly making our presence felt online. Our readers are people from all walks of life and belong to a diverse age group, making Leisure Martini a truly cosmopolitan digest. We stay true to our name by offering you a martini (cocktail) of various ingredients – movies, poetry, humour, music, etc – that mix together to create leisure times. We are a small bunch today, providing for most of the content requirement of the website. Laser focussed on providing great value to our readers, we aim to indulge you (if not get you worked over).