Evolution of Bootstrap-Sustained Discharge in JT-60U ... Y. Sakamoto,b T. Suzuki,b H. ... tokamak reactors with limited central solenoid (CS) capability. ...
Edge pedestal physics and its implications for ITER ... ITER plasma performance is determined by the pedestal height. ... Pedestal height determines Q in ITER ...
The Australian Plasma Fusion Research Facility: Overview and Upgrade Plans (is there potential to be an additional training platform in diagnostics and plasma physics ...
2 Spontaneous toroidal flow in tokamak (in JITT TIIU, JFT ... Moff-diag. Mdiag. c(mi/me)1/2. 6awp. eDf. T. vfPfr=0. qR. aB. DF. a. K.Itoh et al., J. Phys. Soc. ...
Internal Transport Barriers and Rotational Shear P.C. de Vries JET-EFDA Culham Science Centre Abingdon OX14 3DB UK Introduction Why Internal Transport Barriers?