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ABOUT ISDM ISDM is an institution founded to create, strengthen and establish Development Management, a domain that transcends the exclusive silos of ‘development perspectives’ and ‘management principles’.
We get in mind, a country, which has the second largest population in the world ... Sagar Mela or Kumbh Mela which are held on auspicious dates every few years. ...
Bollywood diva, Sonam Kapoor, has always been super-impressive because of her Great Style Ethnic Kurtis. Whether she makes an appearance in a western wear, a traditional outfit or any fusion style, she never fails to leave everyone stunned with her amazing choice of women clothing. If you are looking to stand out from the crowd then why not study the SonamKapoor's style? Let’s have a look on the standout looks of Sonam of 2016 which will inspire you to make your look more & more stylish.