Gomti Nagar police has arrested two fraudsters for allegedly duping hundreds of Uttar Pradesh residents of millions of rupees in the name of fake tender on Kumbh Mela. Pratapgadh resident Anuj Tripathi and Rajendra Kumar Pandey were arrested in the frauds. Three of his companions are absconding. The fraudster Amit Mishra, under the guidance of mastermind Umashankar Tiwari used to call himself an officer of the tourism department, circulated fake tenders of blanket, sheet and towel supply. One gangster of the gang Manoj Tiwari is locked in the Naini jail of Allahabad. Read More here: navbharattimes.indiatimes.com/metro/lucknow/other-news/looking-for-helpers-from-the-political-corridor-behind-the-bars/articleshow/65465534.cms www.amarujala.com/lucknow/fake-tender-related-to-kumbh-mela?pageId=2 www.jagran.com/uttar-pradesh/lucknow-city-two-arrested-in-fake-tender-case-of-kumbh-mela-18285453.html www.amarujala.com/lucknow/fraud-for-the-tendor-for-kumbh-mela?pageId=1
Gomti Nagar police has arrested two fraudsters for allegedly duping hundreds of Uttar Pradesh residents of millions of rupees in the name of fake tender on Kumbh Mela. Pratapgadh resident Anuj Tripathi and Rajendra Kumar Pandey were arrested in the frauds. Three of his companions are absconding. The fraudster Amit Mishra, under the guidance of mastermind Umashankar Tiwari used to call himself an officer of the tourism department, circulated fake tenders of blanket, sheet and towel supply. One gangster of the gang Manoj Tiwari is locked in the Naini jail of Allahabad. According to SSP Kalanidhi Nathani, some time ago, a person named Rajvir Singh, who posed as officer of the tourism department, issued false tender for supply of blankets, sheets and towels. A few days later, he issued a tender related to the management and direction of a documentary. After the release of the tender, people started reaching the tourism department for its application, after which the matter was reported.
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