69 receive additional funding deliver an intensive programme that balances ... relationship between YOS and Police over other matters (ASBO applications etc) ...
International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering Commemorating 10th Anniversary of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake HYBRID SYSTEM CONTROLLED BY A -SYNTHESIS METHOD
Noida: A powerful delegation of the filmmakers from Ghana arrived at ICMEI-International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry to join hands with the chamber to promote film activities in Ghana. The delegation was lead by the National President of Film Directors Guild of Ghana [FDGG] Richard Yaw Boateng along with Haruna Seidu Soale Greater Accra Regional Chairman [FDGG], Ernest Ackom Ag. General Secretary [FDGG] and Daniel Fiifi Jayden Communications Director [FDGG] were there at Marwah Studios to discuss and plan the activities of Indo Ghana Film And Cultural Forum in the next few months.