Homoplasy occurs when characters are similar, but are not derived ... Thylacine most closely related to Tasmanian devil. Thylacine. Timberwolf. Turkey vulture ...
... be evidence for a wrong tree: grouping humans with frogs and lizards with dogs ... Lizard. Dog. TAIL. absent. present. Distinguishing homology and homoplasy ...
Classification and phylogeny of animals. Over 1.5 million species have ... if not- homoplasy. How do we get to this point? Fossil record. Comparative anatomy ...
Rates-across-sites ... Dating nodes requires both an approximate lexical clock and also the rates ... but assumes homoplasy-free evolution for all characters ...
Combinatorial and graph-theoretic problems in evolutionary tree reconstruction. Tandy Warnow ... no homoplasy. back-mutation. parallel evolution. Perfect Phylogeny ...
Phylogeny Reconstruction Methods in Linguistics Tandy Warnow The University of Texas at Austin with Fran ois Barban on, Steve Evans, Luay Nakhleh, Don Ringe, and ...
Phylogenetic trees. Cladistic versus phenetic analyses. Model of sequence evolution ... Branch length (scaled trees only): represents the number of changes that have ...
Because hair evolved only once and is unreversed (not subsequently lost) it is ... Various tree and character statistics describing the fit between tree and data ...
These include ancestor-descendent relationships and more indirect relationships ... in any taxa must be because the taxa are not descendants of that ancestor ...
PARSIMONY ANALYSIS and Characters * * * Different kinds of changes differ in their frequencies To A C G T From A C G T Transitions Transversions Unambiguous changes ...
Detecting language contact in Indo-European Tandy Warnow The Program for Evolutionary Dynamics at Harvard The University of Texas at Austin (Joint work with Don Ringe ...
Taxonomy & Phylogeny Introduction Classification Phylogeny Cladograms Quiz Which of the following cladograms incorrectly illustrates sister groups? Question 12 Sorry!
Nearby sites will tend to have 'greater' genealogical correlation than distant sites ... If recombination has occurred, genealogical correlation will be partially ...
Classification and phylogeny. Early classification schemes. Fish ... Honeybee: Apis pubescens, thorace subgriseo, abdomine fusco, pedibus ... How the ...
Title: Wednesday, September 5 Last modified by: pbishop Created Date: 8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles
The history of the Indo-Europeans Tandy Warnow The University of Texas at Austin Questions about Indo-European (IE) How did the IE family of languages evolve?
Frog. Dog. TAIL ... evolved independently in humans and frogs - there are two steps on the ... a wrong tree grouping humans with frogs and lizards with dogs ...
Empirical evidence of how estimated phylogenies depend upon both the data and ... is very common but transient (almost all polymorphisms lost within a millenium) ...
Gray and Atkinson (Bayesian estimation based upon presence/absence of cognates) ... GA = Gray Atkinson Bayesian MCMC method. WMC = weighted maximum compatibility ...
a cladogram is a branching diagram describing the phylogenetic relationships of ... A phenogram is generated from phenetic analysis (numerical taxonomy) ...
Dog. TAIL (adult) absent. present ... If all kinds of steps of all characters ... Different kinds of transitions and transversions may be more or less common ...
To reconstruct the phylogenetic history of taxa. To recreate the true branching pattern of evolution. To understand the evolutionary relationships between taxa ...
An Overview of Animal Diversity Questions prepared by William Wischusen Louisiana State University Michael Dini Texas Tech University You discover a new organism, a ...
A a b c d e f g h I j. OG 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. Sp1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 ... 'Best' phylogenetic depiction is the one requiring the fewest evolutionary changes. ...
What Do You Need to Root the Network? You need an outgroup. Outgroups are assumed to have separated from the ingroup lineage before the ingroup diversified; i.e., the ...
Intraspecific variation Variation accounted for by individual, age, and sex differences seen within every biological species Interspecific variation Variation ...
the fundamental issue: characters versus trees. open questions: are trees data? ... in tRNA, protein folding) and codon structure mean primary mutations may require ...
Phylogenetic terms and concepts Phylogeny 1. Defined 2. Phylogeny vs. tokogeny 3. Clade and monophyletic group 4. Sister group III. Sources of variation for ...
... A polynomial time approximation scheme for inferring evolutionary trees ... Characters A character is a ... often used with morphological traits instead ...
'What's the use of their having names,' the Gnat said, 'if they don't answer to them? ... In the 1700s a Swedish physician and biologist, Carolus Linnaeus, refined ...
application of molecular markers in the studies of phylogeny and phylogeography: advances, pitfalls and perspectives of development abramson n.i., kostygov a.yu.
primatologists Scientists who study the evolution, anatomy, ... arm swinging. hominoids Members of the superfamily Hominoidea includes apes (chimpanzees, ...
How many cars changed spaces during this 2 hour interval? Parking lot 'A' at 2:00 ... are closer to mice or to cattle because different results have been obtained ...
Maximum Parsimony Input: Set S of n aligned sequences of length k Output: A phylogenetic tree T leaf-labeled by sequences in S additional sequences of length k ...
pocket gophers lice. Gopher and louse phylogenies are significantly congruent. The timing of diversification is significantly correlated in gophers and lice ...
Gila Monster (Heloderma) Monitor Lizard (Varanidae) Lanthanotus thought to be ... related to Gila monsters (weird. distribution). It is really. related to ...