DarkSUSY is a set of Fortran routines for calculations of relic densities and ... The quark and spin content of the nucleons can be changed by the user. ...
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Dark matter particles: weakly interacting bosons and scalar fields may ... Can one form a central dark ... no solid surface ('boson sponge') and no horizon ...
18 h 00 Bilan et perspectives : les enfants de la mer et conclusions. 11h00 : ATELIER 1 ' ... 18 h 00 Bilan et perspectives : les enfants de la mer et conclusions ...
Very close to the EGRET upper limit for a cluster @ 100Mpc. Many positional coincidence between clusters and un-ID EGRET sources (e.g. Reimer et al. 2003) ...
On the other hand .... CDM simulations consistently produce halos that are cusped at the center. This has been known since the 1980 s, and has been popularized by ...
What kind of signal does AMANDA receive? Diffuse Cosmic Rays (well-modeled) ... High-Energy Neutrinos-bingo!-the tell-tale particles AMANDA is looking for. Atmosphere ...
Dark Matter (DM) in haloes can dramatically alter the formation of the first ... I) Sufficiently High Dark Matter Density to get large annihilation rate ...
Michael Turner: 'Accelerators, Astrophysics and Funding' Very much an overview here - we have three ... Feng, Murayama, Peskin, Tata (1995) LC500. B.~ H.~ B ...
Dark matter 'burners' may appear as red giants (Salati ... The degenerate core WIMP burner hypothesis. Stars with degenerate electron cores are everywhere! ...
the results can be altered from those in the standard cosmology. Brane world cosmology is a well-known example ... If , inflation takes place in brane cosmology era ...
53 live-days after in 92 calendar days. Efficiency nearly. 85% for last six weeks ... 70 live-days after in 137 calendar days. Soon beginning: Run (120) Towers 1-5 ...
KVI Seminar, Groningen Neutrino Telescopy in the Mediterranean Sea Towards the km3-Scale Detector KM3NeT Uli Katz Univ. Erlangen 21.02.2005 Introduction
EPS 2003, Aachen. Particle Astrophysics (cosmic rays) ... It is instructive to compare with the intrinsic. atmospheric flux: CR. dominant. dominant for ...
Upon entering the horizon. CDM density perturbations evolve linearly ... linear regime inside the horizon on all scales of. observational interest. ...
Enhanced flux possible thanks to halo density profile and substructure (as predicted by CDM) ... profile needed for DM substructure; some fine-tuning to get ...
As the loaf rises, raisins move steadily apart from one another, ... Baryon Fraction ... Measurement of the cluster baryon fraction, coupled with observed ...
Raisin Bread Model of the Universe. As the loaf rises, raisins move steadily apart from one ... At the turn of the Millenium, recent experiments answered some ...
Title: Prospects for SUSY at ATLAS and CMS Author: Dan Tovey Last modified by: Dan Tovey Created Date: 4/16/2004 10:36:09 AM Document presentation format
a cored halo gives a solid body rotation curve near the ... The halo density profiles can also be used to derive constraints ... the baryons to the dark halo ...