So proud of the University of Memphis for recent promotion of numerous charitable projects. One that is particularly important to me is the one linked below – Textbooks 4 Tiger Vets.
In the immortal words of Winston Churchill, Never Give Up!!! As the story notes, this is like something straight out of Gilligan's Island. The Coast Guard Commander in that area noted that they are responsible for patrolling an area of the Pacific 2x the size of Russia!! If these three can be found in the middle of one of the remotest parts of the Pacific, it's reasonable for us to hope that a new Coach will be located for the University of Memphis Basketball Team, right? Go Tigers!!
Dalai Lama shares wisdom -- His call for increased dialogue, respect and harmony among different world religions is inspirational. I remember when he visited Memphis a few years ago to do the Blessing of the Waters. Doesn't take a University professor to appreciate the message that this deeply spiritual man is sharing.
Lowest rates in a couple of years, and overall, near historic absolute lows. Just makes me wonder about long term fixed income portfolio management. Borrowers have lower probability of default (which is great and assumes current controls on credit availability stay intact), and lenders don't face early payoff risk. Wonder how much capital is going to be tied up as dedicated against specific liabilities (insurance companies) for longer terms. Interesting. Also wonder what effect this could have on local public employee retirement plans, and the endowment of University of Memphis, Christian Brothers University, Rhodes, etc. Common logic dictates that there be proportional exposure to fixed income, however, in an ultra low yield world, does that make sense? Consider the delta between the rate of return on fixed income vs. rate of appreciation for retiree benefits (COLA's) and, worse yet, the rise in medical and OPEB.
All right, so we are about a week into the campaign and it looks as though the University of Memphis Student Veterans Organization is just about 1/4 of the way to their goal. PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE WITH AT LEAST 3 OTHER PEOPLE TODAY! THANKS!
As I had noted in my Google + post, it’s fascinating to note that a work written some 2,060 years ago would have relevance to our present society. This passage was written by Cicero, in app. 44 BCE. It is from the third book of De Officiis, ( On Duties) and considers the ethical implications of two parties to a trade (merchant and buyer) when one of those parties is differentially informed. Visit my blog to see how this applies to our day and age:
This particular passage was also featured as a back panel in a 2007 issue of the Journal of Political Economy. I guess that aside from the mortgage crisis, one could say that a problem of this sort exists in situation like the one at the University of Memphis, where they are trying to hire a new coach for the basketball team, as well. Go Tigers!