Having a clear understanding of what you want to use your residential safe for, will help enormously when you start shopping for one. For example, do you need to keep important documents safe, keep a gun out of harms way, or protect your valuable from burglars? You should also consider your budgetary restrictions, and do a little research before you select the right residential safe for your home:
For those of us who own guns, keeping them safely in our homes should be a priority, and we should always be able to control who has access to them, and who doesn’t. Home intruders are perhaps the most likely individuals that would seek out, steal and use your guns, but in fact anyone who enters your home may be able to get their hands on them if they’re not kept secure, and this could have tragic consequences.
In the U.S alone, a whopping 3.7 million burglaries happen every year, and in many of those cases, at least one member of the household was inside the property when the crime occurred (some fell victim to violence in the process of catching the intruder unawares or defending their property, belongings and/or family members). The reality is that you’re only safe in your home, if you’ve been proactive with attempts to make it burglar-proof, and are savvy about the potential risks.
Many U.S citizens lawfully possess at least one gun, so the issue of where to safely store them is an important one. Guns must be locked away where they can only be accessed by those who have the right to do so and should never be within easy reach of children or vulnerable adults.
If you’re going to invest in a safe to protect your valuable or precious items, then you may as well do it right and purchase a fireproof one. Buying a safe with the highest fire rating will naturally give a safe and the items stored within, the highest protection should it be engulfed in flames, but did you know how they are made fireproof?