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A consulting firm founded in 2005 in Milan by L. Esposito and JL Ayroles. ... Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Cartier are among the most aggressive brands in the market ...
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Somewhere between the 1980 and the 1990s, the leather laptop bag became a much talked about fashion statement. Not only was it serving people’s requirement but was adding on to the luxury quotient as well. Needless to say the prices of the leather laptop bag had gone up to quite an extent till then. But people didn’t mind, since they were so useful and looked so rugged and smart.
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During my longer stay in Singapore I discovered and enjoyed The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands, just a few minutes by walking distance from the amazing Mandarin Oriental Hotel.The most expensive luxury boutiques are represented among them Chanel, Dior, Cartier, Giorgio Armani etc...and please dont miss to visit the spectacular Louis Vuitton Island boutique located in the crystal pavillion facing to the shoppes. For sure the most beautiful LV shop in the world ! However you can stay a complete day there enjoying entertainment, sports with the skating rink, and so many restaurants in the food court. Even there is a canal like in Venice and you can take a relaxing gondola ride enjoying italian atmosphere. Only Singapore is able to offer such an incredible concept making this city extremely attractive to visitors from all over the world