Vidya Bhavan Public School is located in Bareilly UP India. Vidya Bhavan Public School, Bareilly is popularly known as VBPS, is an English Medium Co-Educational Boarding school. Our activity-based learning program gives young learners the Basis to develop skills in English, Maths, Science, Social Studies, and languages.
Vidya Bhavan Public School is located in Bareilly UP India. Vidya Bhavan Public School, Bareilly is popularly known as VBPS, is an English Medium Co-Educational Boarding school. Our activity-based learning program gives young learners the Basis to develop skills in English, Maths, Science, Social Studies, and languages.
Vidya Bhavan Public School is an exclusively English medium school, VBPS is setting new standards in the education of children. The School is affiliated to the (CBSE). It is a co-educational day school from Nursery to XII.
NCPUL was declared a national Nodal Agency for promotion of Urdu in the country ... Karnataka Bidar 1. Kerala Palakkad 1. Kerala Kasaragod 1. Kerala Wayanad 1 ...