See the Future 2021 Web Conference will focus on best practice in research communication, interdisciplinary research, learning innovation, and the growth of automation. See the Future will once again deliver content and presentations which will both challenge our preconceptions of the world of research and research communication and inform how it’s changing.
Publishing is a multi-stage process that includes Editing, Design and Typesetting, Proofreading, Printing, Sales, Marketing, and Publicity. Here is a detailed guide for every stage.
Enago's Plagiarism Checker, in partnership with Turnitin, uses the most sophisticated algorithms to detect plagiarism against 91+ billion current and archived web pages. Inclusion of Scholarly Articles check allows easy comparison against additional 82+ million open source and paywalled scholarly articles from 1,700+ publishers. It also provides an automated grammar check for your document in track changes to improve your writing quality
Scientific editing is a critical process in academic and scientific research aimed at improving the quality, clarity, accuracy, and overall effectiveness of scientific manuscripts and documents.
Publication in reputable journals is key to success in an academic career. This step-by-step guide to journal editing will help you understand everything you need to know about journal editing and achieve publication success.