承托表層的肌腱膜膠原蛋白因歲月增長而逐步流失,使臉部肌肉鬆弛下垂。5D立體提拉Ultra V Lift™技術即時拉緊臉部肌腱膜,突破傳統技術,達到立即性的支撐效果。獨創立體交織技法,注入後6-8個月時間可被人體吸收,讓膠原蛋白與纖維母細胞漸漸增生,由內而外讓肌膚更加飽滿光滑,達到輪廓輕齡緊緻效果,持久、高效、自然,無聲無色地打造完美臉型輪廓! http://www.ultravliftdiscuss.com
承托表層的肌腱膜膠原蛋白因歲月增長而逐步流失,使臉部肌肉鬆弛下垂。5D立體提拉Ultra V Lift™技術即時拉緊臉部肌腱膜,突破傳統技術,達到立即性的支撐效果。獨創立體交織技法,注入後6-8個月時間可被人體吸收,讓膠原蛋白與纖維母細胞漸漸增生,由內而外讓肌膚更加飽滿光滑,達到輪廓輕齡緊緻效果,持久、高效、自然,無聲無色地打造完美臉型輪廓! http://www.ultravliftdiscuss.com
Dermal Pigmentation Treatment in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah common skin deformity. It is affecting millions of people these days. In this condition, light and dark spots appear on the skin surface.
Israr Wong is an aesthetic physician based in Singapore. He is certified in a few disciplines but his main method of working is through dermal fillers and thread lifts for non-surgical facelift results. Dr Wong is also a local and regional trainer on how to work with fillers for brands like Ellanse, Radiesse, Dysport and others.