Find a lot of simple basic circuit diagram, components and useful electronic circuits at Here you get some unique project idea on different electronics circuits so that you can make it easily and use it.
This presentation includes the following 10 free electronics project circuits which are all having high demand in engineering. These are mainly helpful for ECE and EEE students to get some idea about the projects: 1) Water Level Indicator, 2) Unbiased Digital Dice with LEDs, 3) Automatic Washroom Light Switch, 4) Automatic Door Bell with Object Detection, 5) Panic Alarm, 6) Thermistor Temperature Sensing Alarm, 7) Hot Water Geyser Controller Circuit, 8) Remote Operated Alarm Circuit, 9) Fire Alarm with Siren Sound, 10) Water Level Alarm Using 555 Timer. We have also more than 45 electronics project circuits in our blog which are all proposed by many professionals. If anybody interested, then visit
In the kit Automatic Light Controller using 7806 needs no manual operation for switching ON and OFF when there is need of light. It detects itself whether there is need for light or not. When darkness rises to a certain value then automatically light is switched ON and when there is other source of light i.e. day time, the light gets OFF. The sensitiveness of the light can be adjusted. The circuit thus saves the electrical power as well as man power. The principle involves the detection of the intensity of light with help of LDR which changes the value of resistance across it on the basis of light. This principle is used in various applications.
The kit Christmas decoration is any of several types of decorations used at Christmas time. In the kit Christmas Decoration Project first block is power supply in which the input is 230V AC which is step down using the transformer (12-0-12). This kit Christmas Decoration flashes 18 LEDs. The circuit is kept simple by using the 4060B IC which is a counter and oscillator (clock) in one package. The circuit requires a 9V supply. It will not work with lower voltages and a higher voltage will destroy the LEDs.
In this presentation we have mentioned few mini electronics projects circuit diagrams, the complete information of these electronics projects can be found by clicking on the link given below of each schematic diagram.
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This presentation includes 100 best electronics projects ideas for engineering students. These are all collected from various resources and are suggested by many professionals. For some more projects ideas, you may directly visit
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Predictive Voltage Control of Transformerless Dynamic Voltage Restorer || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
An Adaptive Power Oscillation Damping Controller by STATCOM With Energy Storage || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
A Bidirectional LLC Resonant Converter With Automatic Forward and Backward Mode Transition || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Project Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
Analysis of Dual-Carrier Modulator for Bidirectional Non inverting Buck–Boost Converter || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
A High-Efficiency MOSFET Transformerless Inverter for Non isolated Micro inverter Applications || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training . Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
A BL-CSC Converter-Fed BLDC Motor Drive With Power Factor Correction || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
Bridgeless PFC-Modified SEPIC Rectifier With Extended Gain for Universal Input Voltage Applications || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
A Multi-Input Bridgeless Resonant AC-DC Converter for Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
A Novel Control Method for Transformerless H-Bridge Cascaded STATCOM With Star Configuration || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
Reactive Power Management in Islanded Microgrid—Proportional Power Sharing in Hierarchical Droop Control || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
Minimization of the DC Component in Transformerless Three-Phase Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverters || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
A High Step-Up Converter with Voltage-Multiplier Modules for Sustainable Energy Applications || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training. Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
A Fast DC-Bus Voltage Controller for Bidirectional Single-Phase AC/DC Converters || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training. Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
A High Gain Input-Parallel Output-Series DC/DC Converter With Dual Coupled Inductors || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training. Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
A Quasi-Z-Source Direct Matrix Converter Feeding a Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
A Novel Drive Method for High-Speed Brushless DC Motor Operating in a Wide Range || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
Derivation, Analysis, and Comparison of Nonisolated Single-Switch High Step-up Converters with Low Voltage Stress || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
Full-bridge Reactive Power Compensator with Minimized Equipped Capacitor and its Application to Static Var Compensator || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
Transformerless Hybrid Power Filter Based on a Six-Switch Two-Leg Inverter for Improved Harmonic Compensation Performance || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
Large-Signal Characterization of Power Inductors in EV Bidirectional DC–DC Converters Focused on Core Size Optimization || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
Wide Damping Region for LCL-Type Grid-Connected Inverter with an Improved Capacitor-Current-Feedback Method || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
Analysis and Impacts of Implementing Droop Control in DFIG-Based Wind Turbines on Microgrid/Weak-Grid Stability || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
A Zero-Sequence Voltage Injection-Based Control Strategy for a Parallel Hybrid Modular Multilevel HVDC Converter System || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
Double-Switch Equalizer Using Parallel- or Series-Parallel-Resonant Inverter and Voltage Multiplier for Series-Connected Super capacitors || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
Bidirectional PWM Converter Integrating Cell Voltage Equalizer Using Series-Resonant Voltage Multiplier for Series-Connected Energy Storage Cells || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
Two-Switch Voltage Equalizer Using an LLC Resonant Inverter and Voltage Multiplier for Partially Shaded Series-Connected Photovoltaic Modules || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
A Novel High Step-up DC/DC Converter Based on Integrating Coupled Inductor and Switched-Capacitor Techniques for Renewable Energy Applications || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
A Phase-Shifted-PWM D-STATCOM Using a Modular Multilevel Cascade Converter (SSBC)—Part I: Modeling, Analysis, and Design of Current Control || 2015-2016 IEEE Power electronics Projects Training Contact: IIS TECHNOOGIES ph:9952077540,landline:044 42637391
Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) is a crucial domain in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), offering opportunities to design and develop microchips and complex electronic circuits.
Find some interesting DIY electronic projects with easy-to-follow step by step instructions to develop here at In our project example you can find better idea on different small DIY electronic circuits and many more.