If you’re an older person and are keen to get yourself a furry companion, then it’s important that you consider a few factors before selecting your pet. For example, will you have the time and energy to exercise your new best friend, even if they only require one or two short walks a day? Can you meet the other needs that your new pet may have, such as grooming and healthcare? If you have an active and busy retirement planned, will you have the time to devote to a pet dog?
A dogs’ bark is of course their main form of verbal communication, and in many pets, it’s not a problem and can even be a good form of defense for homeowners. However, some dogs bark excessively, and being able to identify the cause of such barking, is the first step towards understanding and curbing your pets unwanted verbal communications.
It’s long been known that dogs can help to reduce stress levels in humans and encourage us to take more physical exercise and meet new people; dogs aren’t referred to as man’s best friend without good reason. But can a canine companion really help us if we’re mentally unwell?
For many good pet parents, walking their pet dog is something that they do automatically, come rain or shine, and most appreciate the importance of such an activity for the dog.
Dogs have a language of their own that enables them to communicate their emotional state and intentions to their owners, and others around them. Most of their communication methods will be displayed through their body language, and more specifically, their facial expressions and the posture of their body. Dogs also use sounds and signals, and most will be familiar with these already, such as growling and barking when spooked, angry or edgy. But for understanding their body language, here are a few tips and pointers to interpret how a dog may be trying to communicate their feelings to you:
Dogs can start to cough for a whole host of reasons, some of which are usually minor and will go away on their own, such as if they’ve gulped their water down too quickly or they’re straining on the leash. Some causes of coughing may be more serious though and require urgent medical attention, such as if your pet has a heart defect or problem with their lungs. Here are a few pointers for detecting which type of cough your pet has when you should seek veterinary help and what the treatment might be:
Does your beloved pooch howl the house down, soil all over the place or destroy your furniture and/or belongings, when left home alone? If so, then there’s a strong chance little Fido suffers from separation anxiety. This is not uncommon in pet dogs, and is something that can be overcome with time, dedication and patience, but it may not be the only cause of your dogs’ unwelcome behaviour. Before figuring out if your pet dog suffers from separation anxiety, you should rule out these other common causes first:
Dogs often behave in an aggressive manner, which can be dangerous and worrying for their owners, and many people are forced to seek professional help to deal with the problem. Aggression in dogs can refer to many different types of behaviour, some of which are listed below:
Since dogs are pack animals, they have an instinct to live as part of a group and being alone can feel very unnatural for them. Their lives require order and everyone in the pack must have a place, from the head of the pack to the lowest members of the group. For humans to live alongside dogs in harmony, we must understand the dog’s instinct to have such order and be certain that they know their place within the family. Your pet dog will look to you as his leader, and in fact, most dogs are much more content when they have orders to follow, quickly becoming stressed and miserable when they don’t.
For some pet owners the line between a humane training tool, and an inhumane one, can be a bit blurry, and some feel that provided the tool gives the pet owner the desired result, then they can be used without fear of recrimination from others in the pet community.
Ticks are nasty little critters and depending on the environment in which your dog spends time, they can be hard to prevent from crawling onto your dog’s fur and latching themselves onto their skin. However, there are preventative measures you can take both to minimize their exposure to ticks and help deter them:
Whether we realise it or not, our pet dogs are continually trying to communicate with us, but it’s not always easy to know what they’re trying to say! Here are a few examples of what your pet may be trying to communicate to you when they do, or act, in a certain way.
While any pet dog has the potential to injure a small child, the risk becomes a little greater when the breed of dog is a large one, and more kids under the age of 14 have been bitten by dogs than in any other age group.
Dogs are amazing creatures and when we refer to them as ‘man’s best friend’, we do so for a variety of reasons, but mainly for their loyalty and their ability to love us humans unconditionally. However, while we love our pet dogs, we may not always love the way they smell. Some dogs are smellier than others, that much is true, but all dogs have a certain aroma that can become overpowering if not tackled with regular bathing, or even with deodorant.
Scientists have recently completed research that shows the similarities between canine brains, and human ones. Man’s best friend, the dog, has been proven to use similar brain mechanisms to humans, when processing social information. So, there is substance to the enduring relationship between humans and dogs, and here is a little more information about the finer details of the studies:
Whether you’re a dog lover or not, it’s widely accepted and appreciated that there are myriad benefits to having the company of a canine, whether as a pet or as a service dog, and thanks to a ruling put in place by the American Disabilities Act back in 1990, many more pet dogs were able to become service dogs, such as those used to assist disabled people.
When pups or adult dogs guard their possessions against humans, we can generally consider that to be normal behavior. Dogs in the wild need to protect things such as food, mates and territories, and those that do so successfully, are more likely to survive. However, when talking about domesticated pets, those sorts of traits are not welcomed and can give pet owners many problems.
The food that we give our pets is vital for keeping them fit and healthy, and when we feed them good, nutritious food, we are helping them maintain a strong muscular-skeletal structure, helping to keep their organs healthy and providing them with everything they need for a healthy immune system.
For most of us pet owners, our dogs are like family members, and so naturally we want to do our best to keep them safe and healthy. There are many things you can do as a responsible pet parent to ensure that your pooch is fighting fit and happy, and here are just a few tips and pointers:
Bathing our four-legged friends can sometimes be a stressful occasion, hence we often put it off or leave it to the professionals. But if you follow a few simple steps when you wash your dog, you should at least be able to get through the experience without getting soaked to the skin and without causing too much stress to your pooch:
While you may not always know what happened to your rescued pet before you adopted them, there are things that you can do to help them put their best paw forwards towards a new, happy and stress-free life.
While most dog owners would like to say that they have no need for a pet sitter – perhaps because they believe that their pet won’t be happy in someone else’s company or that they are not being responsible pet parents – the reality is that most dogs don’t suffer at the hands of experienced and qualified pet sitters, and when done well, the entire process should be painless for both parties:
It can be a real pain trying to make sure that our pets are well cared for when we go on vacation, and for some, they never go away simply because they feel they don’t have any viable options for pet care in their absence.
It can be hard sometimes to accept that our darling furry friend is not like a human, and many pet owners treat their pooches as if they are children. However, this is a big mistake and does not allow you to fully appreciate and respond to the needs of your pet. What you believe your pet might enjoy, is often inaccurate and comes from the expectation that your pet has the same responses as a human.
Having a pet is a big responsibility, and if you work full time or need to go away on vacation without your pet, it can be a big worry as to what will happen to them. Do you have a friend or neighbor who can keep an eye on your pet while you’re at work, or do you cancel your vacation because you don’t have anyone willing to help take care of them in your absence?
It’s important to socialize your puppy, and the sooner you can begin, the better. Puppies are far more likely to be accepting of new experiences such as meeting other dogs and people at this time in their lives, and in most cases, they will be curious and inquisitive rather than frightened. However, it’s important that you are careful when introducing your puppy to other dogs and people since if something traumatic does occur during this early development stage, it could lead to problems that will be difficult to rectify in later life. Here are some simple tips for socializing your pup:
Dog poop can tell you a lot about a dog’s overall health, and while it often stinks to high heaven and is kinda gross, bending down to take a closer look at what Fido has produced can be beneficial!
There can be several triggers for a dogs’ anxiety, and with the growing awareness of the problem among pet owners and pet professionals alike, dogs with such a disorder nowadays are far less likely to be rejected by their owners.
We may not all be able to call ourselves ‘dog whisperers’, but there area number of basic pet psychology signals and behaviours that we can all look out for when approaching a dog; whether that animal is unknown to us, or even if it’s a pet dog who we feel may be giving us confusing body language signals.
Considering most dogs have a bad relationship with the bath tub, you could be forgiven for wondering if it’s ever necessary to give your dog a stressful, messy bath. However, as much as your four-legged friend may hate getting all soapy and wet, some dogs need at least one bath every 6 months, while others may require more frequent bathing. Here’s a few points to help you decide how often to bathe your canine:
Many millions of us own pet dogs, and while some make the perfect companion, others may be a little more troublesome. Sadly, dog behavioral problems are listed as one of the top reasons why pooches end up sitting forlornly in shelters or are euthanized, and so the size of the problem should not be underestimated.
Having spent almost two weeks in this beautiful Southern State last spring, I was able to get a nice taste of many of the top places to visit in Alabama. I particularly loved my visit to Montgomery and was pleasantly surprised by how many great bars and restaurants there were. I think the crazy mix between super-local home-style cooking joints, hot dog shops, and fancy upscale restaurants made the travel experience here so much more memorable.
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Does your pet dogs coat shine and feel soft to the touch? A rough, dull coat can be an indicator of several different skin conditions, or of a poor diet, and can have an impact on their health and appearance.
While you may not think to check your dogs mouth regularly, it’s something that can help you to judge the overall health of your furry best friend. Gums can be a particularly effective indicator of whether something is going on with your dog, and you can tell a lot by their colour.
Some breeds of dog may be predisposed to excitability, while others just have that kind of personality! Excitable dogs can be difficult to control, and while some find it amusing to watch their pet act crazy and run around like its tail is on fire, too much excitableness can frighten others and cause your pet to get into dangerous situations.
Even if your pet pooch doesn’t go out foraging on walks or playing in the dirt, they will still develop a certain amount of dirt in their ears, and it’s important to know when and how you should clean them:
While some dogs get super excited at the prospect of getting wet, whether having a bath, going for a swim or playing with a garden hose, others are petrified of water and will do anything to avoid it. One fun thing for dogs and their owners to do together, is to go to the beach or a lake for a dip, but if your pet pooch is frightened of getting into the water, what can you do to help them overcome their fear?
... The Grouchy Ladybug, we know that it is a story about a ladybug who is grouchy like a person. ... about real ladybugs, we would read to learn new ideas ...
Puppies are adorable and the thought of having one as a new member of the family, is an exciting prospect for many. However, all young animals can be hard work, and if you’re serious about adding a pup to your family, you should give it some serious consideration and ask yourself these five questions:
Gone are the days when boarding kennels were the only places that you could safely leave your pet while you’re away, or friends and family were the only people you could find to look after your dog in your absence. Nowadays, professional pet sitters have grown in popularity and there are many of them offering their services all over the country.
It’s not always easy to leave your beloved furry best friend with a dog sitter, even if it’s just for a day or two and finding one that you trust and can rely upon, is often even harder. To help you in your search, here is a list of traits that every pet sitter should possess if they’re going to do a good job of caring your fur-kid:
Pooches who pee indoors can pose a real problem for pet owners, and many are simply at their wits end, with no clue as to why their pet is behaving in such a manner or how they can prevent it from happening. This issue can occur with any dog, irrespective of their age, and the reasons behind it may vary. Tackling the problem need not be complicated or time consuming, but you will need a lot of patience:
One simple way of enriching the lives of our furry best friends, is to give them plenty of exercise and access to the great outdoors. Not only does this stimulate their senses and helps to keep them entertained and stimulated, it can also help to keep them at a healthy weight. However, while some dogs require a lot of exercise and have bags of energy, others may not need quite so much physical exertion. Here’s a little advice and guidance about exercising your best friend:
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... in chicagos united center jill and me saw mr wu eating a hot dog in a red and black sweatshirt ... 25 friends to hunt snakes with him in drygulch canyon, ...
While having an excitable pooch can be entertaining, and some pet owners encourage the behaviour, it can get out of control and cause conflicts between other pet owners and even friends and family. Here are some tips for helping to calm an excitable pooch:
If you’re sick and tired of your furniture getting all chewed up, finding scratch marks all over the doors, your belongings being destroyed and constant barking, then it could be that your furry friend needs some mental stimulation. Here are some top tips for keeping your pet’s mind busy with minimum effort on your part:
As more cases are reported, the list of foods that can be toxic to our pets continues to grow, but there are some that are more common than others and which can have devastating health repercussions if consumed by our furry best friends:
In much the same way that we humans suffer with stress related issues, our furry four-legged friends also suffer. However, while we humans can verbally express how we are feeling and can take action to minimize our stress levels, our beloved pets cannot.
If you’re a pet owner, no doubt you cherish your little furry friend(s) and hate to leave them in the care of someone else. However, with work, family and social constrictions, you may not always have a choice in the matter, especially since leaving your precious poppet(s) unattended for hours on end, is not a viable or compassionate option.
Preventative measures for your pet’s health are equally as important as they are for humans, if not more so, as our pets can’t communicate any potential health concerns to us. Catching illnesses early on, or better yet, preventing them altogether, will give your pet a happier, healthier and longer life, and so just as we might go for a routine health check-up once a year, so should your beloved pooch.
Keeping a pet means keeping it as fit and healthy as you can, and part of this involves getting your pet vaccinated as regularly as isrecommended by veterinary professionals. Diseases that can be detrimental to your pets’ health – and in some cases, even cause death – such as distemper, rabies, parvovirus and hepatitis, can all be prevented with timely vaccinations.
For many of us, we have no choice but to leave our pets home alone while we head out to work – and most of us don’t exactly enjoy saying goodbye to them every morning – and without cameras to record their activity while we’re away, we have no clue how they cope in our absence.