Dionysus. Dithyrambs. Amphitheatre. Thespis. Theatron, Orchestra, Skene. Chorus. Euripides ... Deus ex machina. The Mask. Modern Reimaginings. Antigone ...
Ancient Greek Theatre About 600 BCE - about 250 BCE ... Some historians believe Greek drama originated in the dithyrambic choruses Dithyramb: long hymn, ...
... Philippines http://dinagyangsailoilo.com/ Mardi Gras and Carnival Ash ... Komos Komos Ritualistic drunken progression May have worn Mask and costume No ...
Theatre of Ancient Greece 6th Century BCE Why did theatre begin? The need to imitate and tell stories The need to worship Dionysus was the Greek god of fertility.
Prosperity and advancements in politics, science, philosophy, art, and architecture. ... 1 day for each author who would present a tetralogy (3 tragedies and a satyr) ...
Greek Theatre Greek History 2500 - 500 BC 2500 BC Where s the Greece? Minoan civilization Most prevalent in the Aegean Area Lived on the Isle of Crete 1400 BC ...
... weakness of character or error in judgment which causes the downfall of the hero (usually hubris) hubris excessive pride; arrogance anagnorisis ...
Classical Period 1200 BC 455 BC Classical Period HOMERIC or HEROIC PERIOD (1200-800 BCE) ... For as there are persons who, by conscious art or mere habit, ...
Title: Chapter Two: Early Greece Author: Joan Watson Last modified by: TL User Created Date: 2/25/2005 2:23:25 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Introduction to Greek Drama Socio-Political Background Impact of Religious Ideas Origins of Greek Drama Stage Conventions Socio-Political Background Athens, Greece ...
Achievements in politics, philosophy, science, and the arts ... First contest was won by THESPIS ... THESPIS also introduced the usage of MASKS. Greek Masks ...
Ancient Greek Theatre Where/when it ... In 465 BC, the playwrights began using a backdrop or scenic ... the original legend in the order of the events: ...
Background to Greek Tragedy AP English Language and Composition Mr. Eugene What is Tragedy? Tragedy, then, is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and ...
Ancient Greek Theatre. Religion and Stories. Greeks were polytheistic (many gods) ... proscenium = type of theater configuration where the audience sits in front of ...
Dionysus The Greek God of Wine, Fertility, and Theatre ... Audience members were seated by their rank in society rather than the cost of their ticket. ...
Rewrote history. Ridiculed politicians. Aeschylus. The real 'father of tragedy' Added 2nd actor ... Improved costumes. Made masks more expressive. Established ...
Fundamentals of Theatre Arts History of the Theatre Greeks through Elizabethan Origins of Theatre Storytelling ancient cultures. 20,000 30,000 years old.
Greek Theatre History Greek Theatre Grew out of religious ceremonies (rituals), which were prominent features of Greek society Ceremonies included funeral services ...
There were two festivals during which ... Three days were given over to theatrical competition. ... ANAGNORISIS: understanding. KATHARSIS. ORIGINS of OLD COMEDY ...
Ancient Athens: A Traveler s Guide The Acropolis: In the 2nd quarter of the 6th century B.C., probably in association with the re-organization of the Panathenaic ...
Origins of Theater Origins of Theater Little information about the origin of theatre has survived. The information we do have comes from wall paintings, decorations ...
THE KNOWLEDGE INSTINCT. Model-concepts always have to be adapted ... The Knowledge Instinct. Basic Books. Neurodynamics of High Cognitive Functions ...
General in Persian Wars -- fought at Marathon, Salamis, Platea ... Added Roman allusions, Latin dialog, varied poetic meters, witty jokes. Some techniques: ...
Shakespeare & French Neo-Classical writers. used the earlier Greek & Roman writers. Modern writers like Neil Simon, Stephen Sondheim, Tom Stoppard use Shakespeare. ...
Greek and Roman Theatre SENECA Roman philosopher, orator, dramatist and statesman Nine extant tragedies, five adapted from Euripides:The Trojan Women, Medea, Oedipus ...
490 BCE Battle of Marathon. Battles of Thermopylae & Salamis. Battle of Plataea Athens triumphant ... Euripides' Suppliant Women. Plutarch's Life of Theseus ...
Th tre, sc nographie et avant-gardes Documentation pr par e par jean-Pierre Latour Plan de cours Quelques l ments de l histoire du th tre Sc nographie ...
ACTING Steve Wood DRA 111 TCCC Dionysus Cycle of Life These festivals were a celebration of the cycle of life-death-rebirth. Just as the grape vine is cut back to ...
... self-willed, and they pursue their own purposes and fashion their own identities. ... the staging area used for costume and mask changing, or for housing ...
Erichthonius' upbringing Athena takes up job after unfortunate incident with ... wooden statue of Athena. Olive tree from Athena. Salt spring from Poseidon ...
c. 380's Plato's Republic includes critique of Greek tragedy and comedy. 380 Aristophanes dies ... single-story building with one central door, which could be ...
c.) Introduced painted scenery. Euripides most modern of the Greeks ... Costumes -Bright -Colors played important role (ex: purple=royalty) Props -limited ...
1. Note that N is investigating the origins of Greek (Attic) tragedy; but in ... of art is bound up with the duality of the Apolline and Dionysiac in much the ...
Information on Greek theatre, Oedipus, & an Interview with Mr. Towers Oedipus Rex written around 441 B.C. by Sophocles Switch to: Pre-Oedipus PowerPoint Switch to ...
REVIEW * * * * * * * * * * * * * * History of the Greek theater Sophocles Impact on it Thematic concepts of Antigone The story of Oedipus and how it relates The ...
Events of his life linked him to the cycle of the seasons and the ... Recognizes flaw (in a catharsis) Aristotle (384 322 B.C.) Requirements for Plot/Action ...
orchestra circular dancing place where actors and chorus performed ... parados entrance to the theater used by the chorus. Structure of Greek Theater ...
The Greek Theater Staging an Ancient Greek Play Sphinx Monster part lion/part woman (body of a lion, wings of an eagle and head of a woman) Plagues Thebes Riddle ...